After three days and 49 hours streamed on Twitch, Tyler1’s EUW League of Legends campaign has finally made some headway with the star reaching Diamond IV. Following this achievement, Big T had some choice words for the players trying to keep him down.
The start to Tyler1’s EU League of Legends unranked to Challenger campaign went as most would have expected: terrible games filled to the brim with stream snipers. Some just wanted to say hi to their favorite streamer, while others made it their mission to keep Tyler1’s rank down for as long as possible, such as the account “9Eleven” that clocked in one kill and 48 deaths in one of the star’s games.
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The waves of stream snipers seemed endless, but Big Tonka T couldn’t be held down for long, and finally, after 79 brutal ranked games over the course of the last three days, Tyler1 has reached the Diamond rank on the EUW League of Legends server. And shortly after winning the final game needed for his rank-up, Tyler1 shared a harsh message for the stream snipers who have been sabotaging his games.
“And fuck you, EU. Suck my fucking dick, easy fucking Diamond you little shitters. You guys fucking queue up and snipe me for the first 15 hours of the day, guess what baby, you fucking went to bed didn’t you? And you left me three hours uncontested,” Tyler1 said.
“It doesn’t matter how much you little pussies snipe; you scrawny, pale, lanky, twigs. It doesn’t matter because I have more passion, more grind, and more swagger than you shitters. You’ll get bored of it, you’ll get sick of it, and you’ll quit like you did today. Thanks for Diamond, dipshits. Dopa down.”
Minutes after reaching Diamond IV, Tyler1 ended his nearly 18-hour Twitch broadcast to get some much-needed rest before the next step of his EU League of Legends grind begins.
Published: Mar 19, 2023 10:33 PM UTC