It appears League of Legends’ matchmaking system will undergo some major changes in 2020.
League product lead for competitive gameplay Cody “Codebear” Germain addressed the state of ranked and matchmaking in today’s Dev Corner post. While things like autofill and duo balance are “nearly ready for launch,” a number of more complex ranked systems are in development for the remainder of 2020.

New accounts and smurfs frustrate the player base because they create uneven teams. A beginner may be incorrectly placed in a higher elo and get destroyed by the opposition. Smurfs, on the other hand, create a one-sided lobby and waste time and LP for players trying to climb. Riot is “exploring systems” to better handle these occurrences.
The second half of 2020 will be dedicated to fixing a few community complaints that hinder the ranked experience. Many players feel like League has grown more toxic in recent years, with players intentionally feeding, griefing, or raging and facing little consequence for their actions. Riot is working on better detection and punishment for those types of behaviors, as well as giving more frequent feedback to players who report an unsportsmanlike player.
Devs are also reassessing the promotion system, which can often cost players multiple days of heartbreak and anguish.
“We know that too many promos have become a source of frustration,” Codebear said. “We’re seriously examining the current promotion system and will be making changes to shift the role it plays in our competitive ecosystem.”
And the restrictions for forming a group in flex queue will be loosened up to make it easier to play with friends, while still creating a competitive experience.
No specific timeline on these matchmaking tweaks has been offered yet. But Riot will likely update fans when the changes are further solidified.
Published: Feb 28, 2020 7:28 PM UTC