Once again, League of Legends fans have picked up their pitchforks and begun protesting after discovering Riot Games’ upcoming 2024 Lunar Revel pass might have even less content than the previous event pass at the end of last year.
When Riot dropped the Winterblessed event pass last November, players were quick to judge the absence of grab bags in the pass, which were traded out for guaranteed banners. When a majority of the community banded together, the League developers even acknowledged the need for grab bags and said, “Understood, you like grab bags better.”

Clearly, something was lost in translation, because according to recently data-mined information around the Lunar Revel event, the upcoming event has no grab bags at all. Players can expect around six Heavenscale orbs, two Masterwork chests and keys, and one 2024 Heavenscale capsule, along with a ton of tokens along the way.
Grab bags are huge value for players and provide massive appeal for those looking to test their luck with the League gods since they offer three skin shards and a chance for Mythic Essence. They might be random skins, but they still provide a good amount of value and a decent chance at a high-tier skin to show off for the price of the pass.
On the League subreddit, players believe Riot is testing to see “the lowest they can go” when it comes to the passes, and if they keep selling to a similar margin, the devs won’t need to add any more content. Teamfight Tactics enjoyers were also hit by the recent changes and were quick to raise their opinions in the public forum.
“The passes were gutted pretty badly, yet still cost the same,” one user wrote. “It’s remarkable that Riot thinks that the answer to their lagging profits is to make the passes shittier and cost the same, rather than providing us with content that’s actually respectable for the cost.”
If Riot fails to respond to these widespread complaints, disgruntled players will simply have to speak with their wallets. This should, however, be a big test for both the player base and Riot as the two parties tussle for a balance between proper value and profits.
Published: Feb 1, 2024 7:39 PM UTC