After some extensive testing by Riot Games, the League of Legends developer is finally ready to show off some of the changes it has planned for marksman champions in an attempt to push some power back into the bottom lane.
At the beginning of May, Riot revealed its plans to buff ADCs in its next phase of champion and role adjustments. Lead gameplay designer Mark “Scruffy” Yetter said he wanted to give bottom lane players a bit more carry power after the role’s effectiveness dropped this season.
“We think that the core pain point bot lane players are having isn’t a lack of damage, but survivability and self reliance,” Scruffy said in a recent developer’s post. “We’re hoping that a mix of base health and movement speed, give the correct small nudge in terms of surviving burst and dodging incoming spells.”
Here are all of the changes Riot has made so far:
- Base HP increased by 30 across bottom lane marksmen.
- HP per level increased by two.
- Zeal movement speed increased from five percent to seven percent.
- PD movement speed increased from five percent to seven percent.
- RFC movement speed increased from five percent to seven percent.
- Statikk Shiv movement speed increased from five percent to seven percent.
- Hurricane movement speed increased from seven percent to nine percent.
The base HP changes will also apply to every marksman except Lucian, Vayne, and Kalista. Instead, those three specific champions will be getting changes more focused on scaling “to avoid the risk of them skewing solo lanes,” since all three are popular in the top lane as well.
All of these adjustments haven’t been finalized, but Riot is planning to ship these first changes to the live servers by Patch 10.11, which should hit the Rift by Thursday, May 28. Scruffy also said the team will shift focus to the mid lane nerfs that Riot has planned once all of the bottom lane work is finished up in the coming weeks.
Published: May 15, 2020 7:32 PM UTC