League of Legends fans often experiment with new champions to see how they can test—or break—them as quickly as possible. Hey, with over 140 champions and almost a decade of gameplay, we get bored, okay? Sometimes we need something ridiculous and goofy to pass the time, and that’s exactly what happened today with Sylas on the game’s Reddit community.
Sylas, if you haven’t heard by now, is the game’s next upcoming champion in, we assume, Patch 9.2. He has some crowd control, damage, he’s really hot, and one of his most defining characteristics is that he can steal ultimate abilities from other champions. The thought running through these creative players’ heads, apparently, was then, “What if we steal a bunch of size-altering abilities and turn Sylas into a behemoth?” And thus, today’s experiment was born.
It started off with this video, showcasing a rampaging Sylas through the wintery Summoner’s Rift, decimating bot after very unfortunate bot. He was huge, sure, but the creator of this video thought it may be possible to use Aatrox, Trundle, and other tools to grow even larger.
He called on famous League YouTuber Vandiril, who has made his channel out of bending the rules of the game, to finish the job. And, lo and behold, Vandiril answered the call. Here is the final product.
Vandiril starts out the video after stealing Cho’Gath’s ultimate enough times to get 10 stacks, capping out his size as much as he could just with that and standing roughly the size of a dragon. Then, he begins stealing ults, popping his Sterak’s and Stoneplate, and Lulu uses her ult on him, turning him into what is, by far, the largest champion League has ever seen.
Now if only there were a way to somehow combine Zac’s health-to-size conversion, he’d probably be the size of Christian “IWillDominate” Rivera’s ego.
Sylas should arrive with Patch 9.2 in about two weeks.
Published: Jan 9, 2019 9:02 PM UTC