Riot Games has announced a list of changes coming to League of Legends with Patch 12.13, including buffs to 11 champions.
Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, the lead designer for League, has revealed the list of champions that are targeted with either nerfs or buffs in Patch 12.12b and Patch 12.13. Many more will be strengthened in the 12.13 update, with champs like Master Yi, Renekton, and Vex being on the list.
At the same time, Phroxzon underlined that “burst for bursty champs are targeted at non-burst axes mostly,” meaning that champions to receive such changes won’t exactly get adjustments for their burst mechanics.
On the list, there aren’t many champions that are often seen in today’s meta or in pro play, such as Renekton, Elise, Karthus, and Kled, who are all but popular in the competitive leagues. At the same time, Patch 12.13 will finally strengthen champions for which buffs have been highly demanded and discussed, like Master Yi.
Riot teased League players in the past that it experimented with the Wuju Bladesman’s changes on the PBE servers. Most recently, players spotted that his auto attack range and Meditate (W) were buffed, but the developers didn’t confirm it. Still, looking at his poor win ratio in Platinum+ ranks across the world, which is the lowest out of all jungle champs (45.99 percent, according to U.GG), it’s not surprising that Riot is mixing things up.
Before the release of Patch 12.13, which is planned for July 12, Patch 12.12b will make its way onto the servers. It’s scheduled to be released on June 13.
Published: Jun 28, 2022 8:25 AM UTC