League of Legends Patch 9.10 is here, and it with comes a brand-new champion. It also includes some meta-defining buffs and nerfs, interesting item changes, and plenty of skins. Here’s a detailed look at the full patch notes and updates.
[New] Yuumi
Yuumi the Magical Cat is League of Legends’ new support champion.
You can find a detailed explanation of her abilities here.

E – Conflagration
- Magic damage increased from 70/90/110/130/150 (+0.35 ability power) to 70/95/120/145/175 (+0.45 ability power).

W – Yordle Snap Trap
- Headshot bonus damage increased from 40/90/140/190/240 to 60/105/150/195/240.

W – Riposte
- Riposte originally prevented Braum and Kennen from applying the last stack of their passives. It now allows Braum and Kennen to apply the last stack of their passives, blocking the stun (and still blocking the damage from the attack).

Q – End of the Line
- Detonation damage increased from 85/115/145/175/205 to 85/120/155/190/225.
Q – End of the Line
- Detonation damage increased from 85/115/145/175/205 to 85/120/155/190/225.
Master Yi

Q – Alpha Strike
- Removed: no longer takes 0.1 seconds to cast.
- If Master Yi has struck fewer than the maximum amount of times he can with Alpha Strike and there are no other nearby eligible targets, he will now strike the same target for 25 percent of the damage before checking for nearby targets again.
W – Meditate
- Removed: no longer takes 0.05 seconds to cast.
E – Wuju Style
- Removed: No longer grants 10 percent attack damage while not on cooldown.
R – Highlander
- Movement speed increased from 25/35/45 percent total movement speed to 35/45/55 percent bonus movement speed.

Q – Broken Wings
- Cooldown decreased from 13 seconds at all ranks to 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds.
E – Valor
- Cooldown increased from 10/9/8/7/6 seconds to 14/13/12/11/10 seconds.

R – Hallucinate
- Appear changed from appearing in random position (50 to 250 range) in any direction around cast position, facing a random direction to 200 range in the direction of Shaco’s cursor, facing the clone.
- Clone appear changed from random position (50 to 250 range) in any direction around cast position, facing a random direction to 200 range in the opposite direction of Shaco’s cursor, facing Shaco.

Q – Starcall
- Bonus movement speed increased from 14/18/22/26/30 percent to 15/20/25/30/35 percent.
- Movement speed decay changed from rapidly to significantly less rapidly.

E – Spinning Slash
- Cooldown decreased from 13/12/11/10/9 seconds to 12/11/10/9/8 seconds.
- Ratio decreased from 1.0 ability power to 0.8 ability power.

R – Final Hour
- Tumble cooldown reduced from 50 percent at all ranks to 30/40/50 percent.
Xin Zhao

Q – Three Talon Strike
- Cooldown decreased from 9/8/6/6/5 seconds to 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds.

Passive – Garden of Thorns
- Damage from basic attacks that don’t trigger on-hit effects (ex. Corki’s Hextech Munitions, Miss Fortune’s Love Tap, etc.) no longer deals a separate instance of damage to Zyra’s plants.
Essence Reaver
Attack damage increased from 65 to 70.
Guinsoo’s Rageblade
Phantom hit frequency increased from every 2 attacks to every 3 attacks.
Armor penetration increased from 6 percent (+0.5 percent per level, 15 percent max) to 15 percent.
Magic penetration increased from 6 percent (+0.5 percent per level, 15 percent max) to 15 percent.
Hunter’s Talisman
Passive burn effect now applies on attacks from pets.
Also applies to all of Hunter’s talisman’s upgrades (Stalker’s Blade, Skirmisher’s Sabre, and all their variants).
Runic Echos
Combine cost decreased from 3665 gold to 250 gold.
total cost decreased from 2625 gold to 2500 gold.
At full stacks, 10 percent to 8 percent of the damage dealt against champions is converted to true damage and healing.
ARAM Balance Changes
Champion damage to turrets increases after the first 18 minutes, maxing at +25 percent at 30 minutes.
Minion waves spawn faster after the first 18 percent of the game, maxing at 13 seconds between waves at 30 minutes.
Minions speed up after the first 18 minutes of the game.
Death time at level 18 changed from 45 seconds to 40 seconds.
9.10 champions nerfs
+10 percent damage done and 10 percent damage taken changed to no changes.
+10 percent damage taken to +10 percent damage taken and -8 percent shielding done.
8 percent damage dealt and 8 percent damage taken to -12 percent damage done and +12 percent damage taken.
10 percent damage dealt and -25 percent healing done and +12 percent damage taken to – 10 percent damage dealt and +12 percent damage taken and -15 percent shielding done and -15 percent healing done.
9.10 champions buffs
+5 percent damage done.
+5 percent damage done.
+8 percent damage done and -8 percent damage taken.
+5 percent damage done and -5 percent damage taken.
+5 percent damage done.
+5 percent damage done.
+5 percent damage done and 8 percent damage taken.
+5 percent damage done.
9.10 rune adjustments
Gathering Storm
Adaptive force every 6 minutes to 7 minutes.
100 (+0.35 of your maximum health) bonus physical damage to structures at max stacks to 50 (0.2 of your maximum health) bonus physical damage to structures at max stacks.
- Rakan can now properly recast E – Battle Dance even when his mana is lower than the ability’s cost.
- Tahm Kench’s W – Devour’s tooltip now properly displays its AP ratio.
- Gun Goddess Miss Fortune now properly laughs during R – Bullet Time.
- Papercraft Nunu & Willump no longer uses base Nunu & Willump’s W – Biggest Snowball Ever!
Upcoming Skins and Chromas

The following skins will be released this patch.
Battle Academia Ezreal.
Battle Academia Jayce.
Battle Academia Katarina.
Battle Academia Lux.
Battle Academia Lux Prestige Edition.
Battle Professor Graves.
Battle Principal Yuumi.
Published: May 14, 2019 7:32 AM UTC