Popular League of Legends champion Caitlyn has undergone so many changes of recent that players aren’t even sure what to classify her as, or how to play her anymore.
Usually, when a champion receives buffs, nerfs, or reworks, it’s to help enhance their kit, rework them to make them viable in the meta, or to decrease their power on the Rift. Unfortunately, season 13 hasn’t been kind to Caitlyn, as she’s been through the wringer with several nerfs and buffs that have changed her abilities and how players pilot her.
Caitlyn has always been seen as a high-damage ADC, but after chopping and changing over the past few updates, Riot transformed her into a champ who focused on spamming her Q, and then her W for headshots, and then she was all-in on her ultimate. She’s changed so much that players don’t even know what she is.
But that’s not all. Because League has changed so much—mainly in regard to Riot’s focus on junglers farming over ganking—ADCs now have to rely on high damage, poking, and taking map objectives as fast as possible to get ahead and compensate for the lack of ganks, according to one player.
And as Caitlyn has changed several times this season, players are finding it hard to play her, especially in solo queue where you really need a support that synergizes well with Caitlyn, or else the bot lane becomes much more challenging.
Even though players don’t know what she is, she still has a fairly decent win rate of 50.05 percent, according to the League stat tracker U.GG. Despite all the confusion, players are still making the Sheriff of Piltover work—perhaps out of comfort. So, there’s still hope for the ADC.
At least, in the interim, we know that critical strike damage and critical strike chance items are the way to go in regard to her build, which means waiting for the opportune moment to strike and focusing on landing your combos and abilities.
Who knows what she’ll become next? Maybe a high-damage dealing trap-setting Rogue? We’ll have to wait and see, especially with Riot preparing for the Worlds patch next week.
Published: Sep 18, 2023 1:50 AM UTC