League of Legends has rich lore that makes everything in the game remarkably meaningful, and that extends to the skins Riot Games regularly releases. Each skin line hits the in-game market with engaging alternate storylines that only add to the fun.
Here are the best skins in League of Legends.
Storm Dragon Lee Sin / Aurelion Sol

Including two skins in a single entry may look like cheating, but it’s hard to separate some of the duos that play an essential role for each other.
Both featuring some of the best artwork and in-game animations that the League world has seen so far, Storm Dragon Lee Sin obtained his powers from Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol.
Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol was also teased as Ao Shin back in 2013 only to arrive in 2020, and Lee Sin even criticizes his timing in a reproachful quote: “You’re late, Ao Shin. SEVEN years late.”
While Storm Dragon Lee Sin is priced at 1,820 RP, Aurelion Sol goes for 1,350 RP, and we also recommend checking out the other Dragonmancer if you enjoyed the overall vibe of these two.
Prestige Faerie Court Katarina

There are loads of great Faerie Court skins, but Katarina’s is just a little bit better than the others. Having said that, the prestige version of Katarina’s Faerie Court skin is much better than the others. This is actually Katarina’s very first prestige skin, and it’s a winner.
The non-prestige Faerie Court Katarina isn’t a legendary skin, and goes for about 1,350 Riot points when it’s in the shop. The Prestige version, however, is something you’ll have to work for by collecting Mythic Essence.
Solar/Lunar Eclipse Leona

Riot took steps to introduce more anime-style skins with the Spirit Blossom skin line, but there were already some traces of the art style in-game prior to its release.
Solar/Lunar Eclipse Leona looks just like your formidable warrior from any medieval-themed anime. Anyone that fondly remembers the first season of Sword Art Online is guaranteed to fall in love with the skin, and its lore suggests Eclipse knights are on a crusade against the members of the Coven.
While each version of the skin rocks the same iconic armor, their spell animations’ color scheme is entirely different. Both versions retail for 1,850, but buying one of them also makes you eligible for a 45-percent discount on the other, meaning you can get the whole bundle for less than 3,000 RP.
Dawnbringer Renekton

Good, old Renekton. It’s kind of a challenge to make a blade-wielding crocodile man look even cooler than he already is, but the Riot Games artists managed it with the Dawnbringer skin. The crown-like fixture on his head gives him a fittingly regal appearance while his shining blades make for a truly radiant visage.
Like many other skins on this list, you’ll have to spend 1,350 Riot Points to get this one when it’s in the shop.
Dunkmaster Darius

Most alternative universes that revolve around League involve serious matters that need to be dealt with. The epic ones drastically outnumber the lighthearted ones, and the Dunkmaster skin line is an excellent breath of fresh air.
Dunkmaster Darius is one of the oldest skins on our list, but it definitely aged like fine wine. The absurd and out-of-character voice lines are enough to keep him relevant to this day, and he never fails to increase the adrenaline levels of whoever is playing him.
Dunkmaster Darius goes for 1,820 RP in the store and immerses you in the journey of an alternate Darius that decided to become the world’s best dunker while he was a promising basketball prodigy.
High Noon Lucian / Senna

Another pair worth mentioning is High Noon Lucian and High Noon Senna. It took almost six years for Lucian to reunite with his beloved Senna, and Lucian’s long-lost love quickly accompanied him in one of the most iconic skins of the champion.
Senna joined the High Noon alternative universe as an Angel, and Lucian was already a part of it as a cowboy since 2018. Both skins cost 1,820 RP, and rolling toward bot lane with this duo with your High Noon skin equipped should be more than enough to strike fear into your enemies’ hearts. Rakan and Xayah players should watch out.
Dark Cosmic Jhin

Jhin is one of the most sensational AD carry champions released in the last five years. He plays completely differently from any other AD carry champion, and also has some of the most flavorful lore of the entire League roster.
We’ve seen some great Jhin skins in the past like the Blood Moon, which allowed his artistic side to shine, or High Noon, which turned Jhin into a Western movie villain. Dark Cosmic Jhin, on the other hand, looks like leading role in an interstellar thriller movie.
Priced at 1,820 RP, Dark Cosmin Jhin features the artistic champion as an interstellar entity that was consumed by the Dark Star. The Dark Star turns him into a world-devouring being that’s eerily reminiscent of Marvel’s Galactus.
Arcane Vi

If you haven’t watched Netflix’s League of Legends show Arcane, you’re certainly missing out. Once you’ve seen it and become an immediate fan, you’ll definitely want to nab the Arcane Vi skin when you can.
While Vi’s default skin is great, one could argue that Arcane actually made a much better “default” design for the character. She has her iconic gauntlets, of course, as well as her stylish outfit. While this skin didn’t have a price attached and was only available by completing specific missions during an event, there’s a chance it will return with the release of Arcane season two.
Elementalist Lux

There are a few types of collectors in League: players looking to collect all the skins for their favorite champions and players who want at least one skin for each champion in the game. If you’re among the latter, you’ll want to collect the best skins you can get. The visual quality, effects, even the colors are important, and Elementalist Lux is one of the rare skins that has it all.
Elementalist Lux has 10 different alternative looks. From Air to Fire, you’ll be able to switch forms as long as you collect enough energy, which you accumulate by attacking enemies. With two chances to change your form throughout a match, you’ll also be able to create cool combinations.
- Dark: Nature + Air OR Water + Fire
- Ice: Water + Air
- Magma: Fire + Nature
- Mystic: Water + Nature
- Storm: Fire + Air
Broken Covenant Miss Fortune

To put it plainly, Miss Fortune is a badass. If you’ve played the League of Legends spinoff title Ruined King: A League of Legends Story, you’ll know this to be true. Not to be outdone by the talented Airship Syndicate studio, however, Riot Games has created the Broken Covenant skin for Miss Fortune which takes her badass levels to new heights.
There’s even a prestige version of this skin, but the default version is just a little bit better. You can purchase it for 1,350 Riot Points when it’s in the shop.
God-King Garen

Battle of the God-Kings is Riot’s take on epic fantasy war novels. It may sound cheesy, but the storyline definitely has the potential to turn into a TV show. God-King Darius’ side wants nothing more than endless war, while God-King Garen fights for eternal reign.
Considering both sides seem equally bad, we’ll just go with whoever wins the fashion war, and it’s Garen. This is hands down one of the most intimidating skins in the game and makes you think not twice, but thrice before engaging him.
For 1,820 RP, God-King Garen features the top lane veteran as a fearless commander who has thousands of battles worth of experience, and no one wants to mess with that.
Lunar Guardian Malphite

Malphite has been around for a long time. You’d hope he’d acquire plenty of cool skins during that time, and, luckily, he has. Even luckier, however, is that he got an incredibly cool Lunar Guardian skin.
More than just a creature of stone, Lunar Guardian Malphite looks positively divine with flowing clouds sweeping over his back. And all of those golden/jade accents? Perfection.
To grab it when it’s in the shop, you’ll have to fork over 1,350 Riot Points.
DJ Sona

Each skin in League has a certain vibe. Not all of them are lucky enough to change it throughout a match, though. DJ Sona is one of the lucky few, and you’ll practically become an actual DJ while you’re playing Sona.
The color and beats that the skin drops are top notch, and your teammates will be flooding chat with song requests. Considering keeping the morale of your team is a top priority in League, if you’re looking to increase your odds of winning, you may need to make a list of tunes to play to keep everyone happy.
DJ Sona was released in 2015 and costs 3,250 RP. Though it’s been a while since her release, DJ Sona is still one of the best skins in League.
Dawnbringer Soraka

It’s no surprise that League skins have become more advanced over the years. The earlier skins also received updates, but the new ones tend to be better in most cases.
Dawnbringer Soraka is a prime example. The skin is one of Riot’s finest works, since the attention to detail is off the charts. The wings and texture speak for themselves. Though Dawnbringer Soraka may look high and mighty, it also has a banana emote, a true part of Soraka’s background.
Dawnbringer Soraka was added to League in 2019 and costs 1,820 RP.
Star Guardian Taliyah / Ekko

Riot has added a bunch of skins from the Star Guardian collection in 2022, and Star Guardian Taliyah and Ekko are one of the company’s best works.
It’s no surprise that the devs have released so many skins from the skin line, looking at the enormous event that went along with it. It featured numerous new quests for players, and with so many champions receiving a new skin, practically every player could find something that suited them.
Like many skins in the collection, Star Guardian Taliyah and Ekko are both made with bright, warm colors, like pink, red, and purple. They give the champions a fresh new look. Star Guardian Taliyah and Ekko were added to League in July 2022, and are available for 1,350 RP each.
Star Nemesis Morgana

There are plenty of great Star Guardian skins, but heroes are only as good as their villains. Luckily, Morgana is here to fill that role with her wicked Star Nemesis skin. With this skin, you’ll strike fear into the hearts of any Star Guardians you stumble upon.
When it’s in the shop, this one costs 1,350 Riot Points, which honestly feels like a steal. At the moment, we only have two Star Nemesis skins (Fiddlesticks is the other Star Nemesis at the moment), but hopefully we’ll get some more cosmic baddies in the future.
Snow Moon Caitlyn

Another vastly different skin compared to the champion’s original look is Snow Moon Caitlyn.
Featured alongside new skins from the Snow Moon collection, Caitlyn stands out as the most unique. Other champs that got a Snow Moon look with Caitlyn, like Illaoi and Kayn, were more or less linked to magical forces. But this wasn’t the case for Caitlyn, and her Snow Moon skin gives her colors hardly seen before, like gray, white, and blue, with the champ also using a magical-looking rifle instead of the hextech gun.
Snow Moon Caitlyn was added in June 2022 and costs 1,350 RP.

It must take a lot of hard work to create a skin that brings so much life and color to a melancholy champion like Orianna. But Riot managed it and delivered with Orbeanna, a skin that gives Orianna an entirely fresh light.
Players celebrated the return of the Bees! collection since it’s one of the most original skin lines in the game, and one the most creative and hilarious ones too. Orbeanna is probably the most interesting skin from the latest release, since it’s for a champion that would never come to your mind if you thought about making a Bees! skin. In the end, it’s tough to fit a robot into such a lively collection.
Orbeanna was introduced to League in March 2022 and is purchasable for 1,350 RP.
PROJECT: Naafiri

The PROJECT skin line is one of the oldest in League, and it was a fantastic idea to include Naafiri in 2024. With the skins featuring futuristic, cyberpunk-style champions with perilous tools in their arsenal, adding one for a hunting dog-like champion like Naafiri is just brilliant.
Like most PROJECT skins, Naafiri is mostly made from neon lights and black and grey metal parts. While it doesn’t stand out from other skins in that department, its attention to detail and sleek aesthetic in the Summoner’s Rift make it well-worth buying.
Heavenscale Smolder

Ever since Smolder was announced, we knew he’d be one of the sweetest champions in League. He accomplished just that, and the Heavenscale Smolder skin is the real deal.
While the little dragon is pretty and adorably cute, both in-game and in his artwork, he’s a true dominator of solo queue at the moment. For this reason, Heavenscale Smolder is a funny and ironic combination of a dangerous killer in a cute skin. What else could you want?
Winterblessed Annie

Every champion focused on elemental magic should have a skin where they use the opposite element. While Annie already had a Frostfire skin, it’s Winterblessed Annie that brings snow, ice and winter to the Dark Child’s collection.
Winterblessed Annie stays true to her character. While some other skins tried to paint her as a happy, sweet, and innocent child, her lore and appearance give away Annie’s true nature: a child of terror. While in the Winterblessesed collection, she’s rather calm, Tibbers looks as menacing as ever.
Published: Mar 11, 2024 11:18 AM UTC