Backline champions, beware. Briar, a new diving jungler, is coming soon to League of Legends, and she’s ready to rip through anyone in her unending quest to quench her insatiable thirst for blood.
For her teammates, however, she can be a great partner-in-crime, especially when paired up with the right team composition.
There are many different champions that can pair up with Briar, especially when she’s going wild in a teamfight with her Blood Frenzy or diving into a team with her ultimate ability, Certain Death. But they need to be willing to dive into the fray alongside her or else she’ll end up on the wrong end of a gray screen.
Here are the best champions to play with Briar.
Best champions to pair with Briar

Shen is a great partner for League’s newest champion since they can pair up their ultimate abilities for a perfect wombo combo. The Eye of Twilight can cast Stand United early so that as Briar dives into the enemy team with Certain Death, not only will she be shielded but she’ll also act as a delivery system for Shen as he protects her from incoming damage. Together, they are the perfect way to kick off a teamfight from long range.
Related: All Briar abilities in League

Since Briar needs teammates who can keep up with her in teamfights, Kled’s ultimate ability is one way to ensure that the entire team can follow up once she dives into the backline. He is just as fearless and will help lead the way for the rest of the team to pile on the damage once the enemy team tries to focus on the feral monster that just jumped into the middle of the action.

If Briar needs a bit of setup to excel, Maokai can provide frontline tankiness and a game-changing ultimate ability that not only helps to chase down foes but also locks them down for an easy cast of Certain Death. If a team is stuck in a chokepoint, Maokai’s crowd control can be a perfect way to serve enemies to Briar on a silver platter.
Related: New LoL champ Briar originally had broken ‘suicide-self-revive-wombo-combo’ ultimate

When Briar is released, I would personally want to deal more damage alongside her, and Neeko and Briar can absolutely decimate a teamfight with their ultimate abilities. If Neeko finds a good angle to isolate the enemy carries with Pop Blossom, Briar can follow up with her own ultimate to tear through the enemy composition with ease. The Curious Chameleon also has a lot of crowd control through her basic abilities to keep Briar’s focused target in place as she shreds them to pieces.

Rell is one of the strongest supports in the game due to her destructive teamfighting potential and ability to jumpstart a teamfight with one well-placed Magnet Storm. Like Neeko, the Iron Maiden must first find a good angle to hold down the squishier members of the enemy team. But once she does, Briar can dive forward and feast upon her unlucky opponents as they struggle to escape from Rell’s area of effect.
Briar is set to be released in League Patch 13.18, which is scheduled to go live on Wednesday, Sept. 13.
Published: Aug 31, 2023 3:03 PM UTC