With over 150 champions, choosing just one to main in League of Legends can be challenging. On top of this, players are often told at the beginning of their League journey they should learn a few champions in their chosen role because they offer different abilities and have their own strengths and weaknesses.
But it can be pretty challenging to master several different champions.
This is why one-tricking a champion is also an option for League players because you can truly master the ins and outs of the champion. However, the downside is your one-trick champion may not be the best choice in every matchup, or they may get banned. So, there are pros and cons to both options if you’re trying to grind out wins.
Yet in the current meta, several ADCs are worth one-tricking, according to League stats site LoLalytics.
The best ADC champions to one-trick due to win rates include:
- Samira, who has a one-trick win rate of 58.63 percent
- Zeri, who has a one-trick win rate of 57.62 percent
- Xayah, who has a one-trick win rate of 57.87 percent
- Draven, who has a one-trick win rate of 57.18 percent
- Twitch, who has a one-trick win rate of 57.19 percent
- Kai’Sa, who has a one-trick win rate of 57.11 percent
- Jhin, who has a one-trick win rate of 57.15 percent
- Ezreal, who has a one-trick win rate of 56.94 percent
- Caitlyn, who has a one-trick win rate of 56.82 percent
- Yasuo, who has a one-trick win rate of 57.75 percent
What’s interesting about these top ten ADC champions to one-trick is that some have tricky mechanics. Still, many of their abilities require landing skill shots, which can be much easier for people to master than lengthy combos.
So, if you’re new to the ADC role in your League climb or want to one-trick a champion, there are quite a few you can choose from based on winning queue data.
Published: Feb 22, 2023 1:22 AM UTC