The wishlist of fans for Grand Theft Auto 6 is already staggering and will get longer before the 2025 release, but there’s one major map change gaining traction.
Rockstar promoted “enterable interiors” for GTA 6, meaning players will be able to explore inside of buildings, and that has sparked a debate into how much access players think they will get and how much they want to have.
For all of GTA 5‘s strengths, a large number of buildings merely acted as shells in the environment and could not be explored fully, and it took a long while for some of the biggest areas on the map, like the casino, to open up.
On Reddit, a discussion was sparked regarding what players expect to see and what they would be happy with—resulting in several big comparisons, a wealth of suggestions, and a lot more hype for the title.

One popular comment urged the return of burglary missions like those featured in 2004’s San Andreas, which made many standard homes on the map accessible, while others made comparisons to Red Dead Redemption 2‘s Saint Dennis, which featured lively alleyways and several enterable buildings—which added further depth to the escape from cops.
Others stated their desire for robberies of smaller banks to be available on the fly, similar to the shop robberies in GTA 5, and fans showed a significant desire for the game to return to the roots of GTA 4, which, in comparison to its successor, had more enterable buildings.
Fans also expressed their wish for more variety to the enterable interiors, adding hotels, a superstore, bars, nightclubs, and residential homes to their wishlist—with the best suggestion of all being a store similar to Walmart, where you can encounter all of Leonidas’ bizarre natives.
Published: Jan 4, 2024 10:43 AM UTC