Cosplay is an integral part of gaming and gaming culture, and to celebrate it in style, ReedPop is bringing the Cosplay Central Crown Championships to PAX Aus 2022 in Melbourne.
The global cosplay championship was first announced in July 2021. It has multiple legs, including one at MCM London Comic Con and another at C2E2 in Chicago. This is the first time it’s happening in Australia.
“We’re so excited to announce that PAX Aus will be hosting the Australian Leg of The Cosplay Central Crown Championships,” said Katherine “Kitty” Grace, content and community manager for PAX Aus.
Grace explained that the cosplay community is “an important piece of the PAX puzzle” and is thrilled to add the championship to the convention. “We cannot wait to celebrate the best ANZ cosplayers have to offer!”

The Australian leg of the Cosplay Crown Global Championships will be held on Sunday, Oct. 9 at PAX Aus, which is being held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Center (MCEC).
Three established cosplayers will judge contestants at the event, including Henchwench, WhereIsDanielle, and Scrap Shop Props. The score will be based on accuracy, ambition, design, and construction.
WhereIsDanielle told Dot Esports why PAX Aus 2022 is the perfect place for the contest. “PAX for me is the home I go to towards the end of a long year to see all my friends from around the country and even overseas,” she said.
“It’s old friends and new ones. Everyone’s best and newest costumes and the latest games to check out as well. It’s a yearly unwind with my closest friends and my community. Walking into PAX is like coming home. I feel like this sentiment is shared with almost everyone I know.”

WhereIsDanielle also offered the following tips for contestants:
- Take care of yourself both in the lead-up to PAX and over the weekend, drink lots of water, eat well, and make sure you get some good sleep! A costume is not worth sacrificing your health for.
- Step back from your costume for a second and look at it as a whole. You’re doing amazing work. You’re a one-person costume shop. You’re doing the jobs of many people all by yourself, so don’t be so hard on yourself over the small things.
- When you’re backstage, make sure to chat with everyone. They’re all as nervous and excited as you, and I’d bet everything I own that they’d love to talk about their cosplay and yours with you.
- Make sure before you walk on that stage that you stop for a second and breathe, remember why you do cosplay, remember the joy, and that everyone in that audience is so freaking excited to see your incredible work. And when you do step onto the stage, eat it up. They love you.

The winner will be crowned on the day and receive a trophy. They’ll also advance to the international Cosplay Central Crown Championships finals at C2E2 in Chicago in August 2023.
A return flight from their nearest capital city to Chicago will be provided, along with three nights’ worth of accommodation, two weekend passes to C2E2, and two weekend tickets for PAX Aus 2023.
If you’re a passionate cosplayer who is interested in competing in the Cosplay Central Crown Championship to show off your best work, you can apply here. Entries close on Sept. 5.
Just keep in mind that you cannot wear a cosplay someone else has made (although some assistance is okay), and it has to be one you haven’t worn at other international cosplay events. Exceptions can be made for local ones.
For more information, read the official rules.
Published: Aug 30, 2022 5:30 AM UTC