Over the course of Fortnite‘s Big Bang event earlier today, players were rewarded with a veritable tidal wave of information about what lies in store for the future of the game in Chapter Five, from a new map to a bevy of high-profile crossovers to perhaps the biggest surprise of all: a dedicated LEGO game mode in Fortnite.
This collaboration, interestingly, was teased all the way back in 2022 with a joint announcement from LEGO and Epic, but evidently, it hasn’t borne fruit until just now. While details are thin on the ground, here’s everything we do know about this Chapter Five game mode.
What is the LEGO Fortnite game mode?

The LEGO mode will exist as a separate, selectable game mode within Fortnite, meaning that it will be playable on all the same devices base Fortnite can be played on—no more, no less. It officially launches on December 7th, and though both LEGO and Epic Games have been tight-lipped about specific details ahead of that launch date, there are a few things we can extrapolate
LEGO Fortnite is billed as a “survival crafting adventure” focused on exploring and building in an open world, two of the three pillars of base Fortnite‘s gameplay. The third—shooting—is notably absent in everything that’s been revealed so far, which is in line with the 2022 announcement‘s mission statement to create a space that is “safe and fun for children and families” and LEGO’s own policies against depicting realistic violence. Expect a tamer experience geared toward a younger audience, which, in retrospect, isn’t all that surprising given it’s LEGO, but that’s about all we know ahead of the official launch.
By all accounts, it looks to be a blockier, less intensive version of the Fortnite gameplay millions of players know and love—maybe even with some LEGO skins to take back into the main game if we’re lucky. They’d look great in the Fortnite Festival‘s mosh pit.
Published: Dec 2, 2023 10:20 PM UTC