Destiny 2 players have asked Bungie for a fix to a disabled Hunter Exotic for weeks now, and the developer finally gave fans a timeline on when to expect to use their shiny new armor again—though fans may not be too happy with the schedule.
The Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk Hunter Exotic is scheduled to ship in “mid-October,” the company revealed through its support page today. This would mean Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk will stay disabled for roughly the next two weeks, marking approximately a month of downtime in total.
Bungie disabled Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk on Sept. 15 due to an exploit that would allow prolonged uptime on some abilities using the Exotic. Due to an issue with its coding, The Hunter Exotic allowed allied Titans and Warlocks to have infinite uptime on Loreley Splendor Helm’s effects, as spotted by content creator Cheese Forever.
Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk gives guardians a weapon damage bonus for five seconds after leaving invisibility. If you’re wearing the Exotic, finishing an enemy combatant would grant the Hunter and nearby allies an overshield and improve their class ability regeneration. That extra class ability could infinitely proc the healing from Loreley Splendor Helm, as Cheese Forever discovered.
Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk made its way to the game alongside Season of Plunder. This dynamic Hunter Exotic gave players new functionality to their invisibility, allowing them to easily make it into an offensive tool. The Exotic was disabled shortly after the season launched, however, which took away one of the benefits for Hunters this season.
With Bungie scheduling the return of Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk to mid-October, players can expect it to return either in a hotfix or through the Festival of the Lost update on Oct. 18, which will also bring Destiny 2’s Halloween-themed event to the mix. Regardless of how it arrives, however, Hunters will still have to wait a bit until they can equip their new Exotic again.
Published: Oct 4, 2022 7:46 PM UTC