The Salvation’s Edge raid went down as the longest raid in Destiny 2 history, but it also showed one class being a “dead weight” throughout the raid.
In a Reddit thread on June 10, a Destiny 2 player highlighted that Salvation’s Edge proved Titans need a buff to have the same impact while maintaining their class identity of punching stuff. “If Titans are going to be the melee class, then don’t nerf their melee abilities. Titans can no longer spam shoulder melees as a mobility tool, they can’t properly synergize with glaives, and every melee focus exotic has been nerfed to the ground,” they wrote.

At the same time, the Titans have almost no ranged options apart from Thundercrash (if you can call it ranged) and the new Twilight Arsenal Supers. “When was the last time Thundercrash received a buff and not another pointless nerf? Honestly, I don’t mind Celestial Hunters, but why can’t we have what they’re having?” the OP added. They mentioned Titan’s defensive abilities, like the Ward of Dawn, are also nerfed “to the ground.”
While players admitted the new Void Twilight Arsenal Super and the increased damage resistance for Thunderclap aren’t bad, there should be more of where that came from. Instead, we saw many popular Titan playstyles that require fighting up close and personal, getting nerfed, including multiple melee abilities and Exotics.
In a different Reddit post on June 10, a player shared the Salvation’s Edge class population chart, and it only had three Titans who completed the raid. This chart might not be entirely accurate, especially since players can switch classes for the final boss, which requires you to deal damage at range, but it still gives a rough idea of where Titans are in the current sandbox.
Published: Jun 11, 2024 11:00 AM UTC