A revamped Cloud9 roster with Boombl4 in their ranks is attending BLAST Premier Fall Finals 2023. Before their first game against Natus Vincere, the newest member of the team revealed he’s taking on two roles in the squad.
Before the tournament began, Boombl4 did an interview with HLTV, where he shed some light on his roles in C9. Besides being an in-game leader, which was an obvious direction for him, he’s also taking on the AWP. But, he didn’t go into details regarding his second role.
“It depends on the map, but I can’t say on which map who is the AWPer, because I don’t want to show the cards before the tournament, you will see. But on a lot of the maps I am the main AWPer,” Boombl4 said.

Looking at the rest of the interview, Boombl4 is likely looking to be more of a passive AWPer. He admitted he doesn’t have the skills of ZywOo or s1mple, and he aims to play accordingly with the maps’ positions. ” I just need to be where I need to be,” he pointed out.
While the maps on which Boombl4 will be AWPing remain a mystery for now, we’ll see soon enough for ourselves. C9 is scheduled to face NAVI in one of the two opening games of Group A at BLAST Premier Fall Final 2023. Given they have the chance to display their full map pool in Copenhagen, where the event is taking place, Boombl4 should have the opportunity to showcase his AWP skills on the maps he’s taking the mantle on.
Boombl4 officially joined C9 on Nov. 2 after standing in for the team occasionally before. The team previously parted ways with their star AWPer, sh1ro, while ElectroNic was on IGL duties until Boombl4 joined. Looking at their recent roster changes, the role adjustments feel natural.
Published: Nov 22, 2023 11:28 AM UTC