Finding yourself being locked out of your Double XP Tokens that you worked hard for in Modern Warfare 3? Our quick guide has some easy solutions for you to aim down your sights.
A Double XP Token makes life so much better in CoD MW3. After all, is there anyone who doesn’t enjoy speeding up their progression? This is exactly what these tokens do in Modern Warfare 3.
I love racking them up and then burning through them, obliterating player and Battle Pass ranks in laughable fashion. They are also one of the fastest ways of leveling up guns in MW3. However, if the game is locking you out from them, then I believe this can be remedied.
Why are my XP tokens locked in MW3?

Truth be told, no one seems to know why XP tokens have suddenly been locked in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The developers have yet to comment on the situation, and it seems like a random bug that’s appeared.
It would be pure speculation on my part, but Double XP tokens have suddenly started becoming a bit erratic after the arrival of the first, major post-launch update. Nevertheless, if this issue is affecting you, there are definitely a couple of effective methods to try.
How to fix locked XP tokens glitch in MW3
One unorthodox solution is to activate Double XP tokens in MW2, and then pop back into Modern Warfare 3 again. If this isn’t possible for you though, then you simply try restarting the game and/or rebooting your system.
Restart the game
I’d say the second technique is clearly the more universal option here. If you go to use tokens and they’re locked, I’d first just close the application and restart it. If the problem lingers, then just restart your PlayStation, Xbox, or PC.
Use tokens on MW2
The first method is only available to those with MW2 purchased and installed. If this applies to you, then try using a Double XP token on MW2 by utilizing CoD HQ, and then head straight back to MW3 once it’s activated. Hopefully, this should work.
Published: Nov 16, 2023 10:44 AM UTC