The new Sun Squad update in Apex Legends brought with it a very welcome surprise guest: Olympus is back, and you can play on the map right now.
The beloved floating city has been missing from the game for some time now. It was originally disabled by Respawn in January, following serious server crashes that plagued just about the entire player base. The developers determined that it was Olympus itself that was causing the “UI Images Ran Out of Room” error code that kept appearing for players that this happened to and removed the map from the rotation and from ranked to make some necessary changes.
And that was all that was heard about Olympus, until today.
Seemingly a surprise to just about everyone, when players finished the Sun Squad update in their games today, they discovered that Olympus was not only back, it was the first ranked map in the rotation. After more than two months away from the game, the map is back.
Related: All new legend skins in Apex Legends’ Sun Squad event
This will be a relief to many players who feel that Olympus has gotten the short end of the stick over the last year, as it was one of the least-used maps for ranked after its last major update in 2022. The new ranked rotation system should also remedy that somewhat, giving more maps time to shine for players who only like to play ranked and don’t want to wait around for the pubs rotation.
Beloved for its bright colors and fast gameplay, the reappearance of the map is sure to send players flocking back to their games.
Published: Mar 28, 2023 5:44 PM UTC