Building a good team composition is important if you seriously want to improve at Apex Legends. At all levels of the game, it’s important to figure out which characters work the best together.
Whatever your level in Apex is, you’ve likely noticed some squad comps work better than others. If you’re trying to climb the ranked ladder or just want to improve your skill, it’s important to know which characters have useful synergies and those that don’t. Each season provides a new meta to work around. This is evident in Masters and Pred lobbies where pros three-stack, adjusting to whatever change comes their way. But that Octane pick won’t take you far this time around.
Below, you’ll find some of the best team comps you can pick in Apex. Generally speaking, the best legend to pick is usually the one you’re most comfortable with. But the support buffs for season 23 massively altered the meta, and now season 24 has drastically changed the foundation of Apex with weapon buffs across the board and an overhaul to the assault class. Ash and Ballistic saw fantastic changes to their kit, making them some of the most fun legends you can play in season 24. Gibraltar leaves the meta as he has hard counters in Mad Maggie and Crypto once again. Meanwhile, Newcastle remains a viable option due to quick crawling speed on all downed teammates, which only strengthens his fast revive and mobile shield that slows a fight and puts the power back in his hand.
With fast-paced action at the forefront, w-keying is a guarantee this season. Mobility and accuracy has never been more important, but what is the best team comp for season 24? Let’s get into it.
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Best Apex Legends team comps for season 24
5) Newcastle, Ash, and Ballistic

Our first pick is an obvious one, as it chooses all three powerful legends from season 23 and 24. While Newcastle saw a deserved nerf with his Mobile Shield becoming breakable again, he remains a tough legend to kill because of his great utility. He is a difficult legend to master, but he’s still viable if you played him throughout the support meta in season 23. We chose Newcastle for his ability to shift the fight in his favor. Rather than running at every team, Castle can protect Ash and Ballistic with his Shield or Wall, either offensively or defensively.
Ash is an obvious pick not only for her highly entertaining dash ability, but because she can upgrade to two ultimates and dashes. This lets you quickly reposition as a team to escape third parties and move around the map to get into zone. Newcastle can follow this with a well-placed Wall, be it to throw enemies off a vantage point or to establish high ground against others. Finally, Ballistic’s Whistler will help against aggressive plays. This is especially useful behind a Castle Wall. If a team decides to push, the four Smart Bullets can latch onto enemies, causing an overheating affect that can be detrimental to assault class legends. Similar to Newcastle, Ballistic can turn the fight in his favor by overheating enemies’ magazines, giving you an opening to reset, push, and punish anyone who dares to take you on.
Upgrade Tier | Ash (IGL) | Newcastle (Anchor) | Ballistic (Fragger) |
Blue Armor | Greedy Snare | Swift Shield | Lasting Bullet |
Purple Armor | Dual Breach | Ultimate Savior | Extra Bullet |
We highly recommend you use either a Mastiff or EVA-8. While you’ll be moving around the map quickly, your fights should be patient and done with confidence. There’s no reason to panic as you have so much utility to fall back on. We recommend either the powerful Rampage LMG or L-Star as your primary, but a Flatine or R-301 would also work here.
4) Ballistic, Catalyst, and Lifeline

This is our recommendation for those who don’t want to constantly fight. The fast TTK can be daunting for some, so we shift our focus to positioning and controlling space for zone players. Catalyst is one of the best legends to control buildings and handle one-versus-one situations. With the incredibly aggressive team compositions you’ve likely seen already in pubs and ranked, the Catalyst pick will keep players off your back by both controlling space and obscuring enemies’ vision. It can put a halt to a team’s play, giving yourself and teammates time to heal or armor swap.
Alongside this, Ballistic is there to support during third parties, as his ultimate offers unlimited ammunition—more affective than relying on Loba’s Black Market for ammo. His ability to hold Red weapons in his sling makes him a lethal pick that can attack at all ranges (much like a Vantage). Finally, Lifeline is our top pick for support to complete this comp due to her impenetrable ultimate that slows down play and enables resets. The goal with this team is to keep the dream alive for as long as possible, having multiple opportunities to heal, rez, and armor swap before the third party comes in.
Upgrade Tier | Catalyst (IGL) | Lifeline (Anchor) | Ballistic (Fragger) |
Blue Armor | Sister Spikes | Battpack | Killing Time |
Purple Armor | Ferro-Door | Tactical Cooldown+ | Extra Bullet |
Repositioning in this comp is harder than others as there isn’t a highly mobile legend on the team. Therefore, we recommend two Evac Towers are carried at all times, giving you the opportunity to escape bad situations. Assault rifles, marksmans, and SMGs are best here, but a shotgun is just as viable inside Lifeline’s Halo or picking off peeking enemies through Cat’s Veil. Use Ballistic ult in every fight you can so your team doesn’t need to waste time looting ammo as much.
3) Mad Maggie, Bangalore, and Mirage

We’re recommending Mad Maggie here for her control of space and punishing abilities. Maggie acts as an aggressive defender who can stop enemies from pushing in or to full-send a team who think they’re safe. Mad Maggie hard counters Gibraltar, Bangalore’s smokes counter aim assist warlords, and Mirage’s invisibility is both a safety blanket and a means to revive teammates in an otherwise precarious position. This comp is adaptable for all ranges, offering both an offensive and defensive composition for this fast-paced season.
Each member has their own unique way of moving around the map, be it by outrunning opposition with Maggie’s trail, weaving through Bangalore smoke, or popping a Phoenix Kit to hide from enemies as Mirage. There are various ways this comp punishes the hyper aggressive playstyle that this season encourages. While it isn’t as defensive as a Caustic, Wattson, or Newcastle, this comp can obscure vision, hide in plain sight, and control entire buildings while having an easy escape route in mind if things go south.
Upgrade Tier | Bangalore (IGL) | Mirage (Anchor) | Mad Maggie (Fragger) |
Blue Armor | Tactical Cooldown | Renaissance Man | Fire Ball |
Purple Armor | Refuge | Bamboozle Bonus | Drillslinger |
You can have plenty of versatility with your loadout, as these three legends can adapt to all fights, regardless of the range. Your choice really depends on what you’re most confident with if a team pushes you or if you decide to send a team together (but Maggie running a shotgun is a must for her speed boost alone). This team needs to play as a unit, rather than having someone finding angles away from their teammates as they look for a pick. As you don’t have a means to portal or reposition together outside of Maggie’s ult, you need to strategize your positioning and move as one single force. The quick TTK means separating from the team will likely result in a two-versus-one situation that’s guaranteed to end with you calling for a rez.
2) Ash, Octane, and Loba

This comp is a bit extreme, but it’s for highly aggressive playstyles that are weaker defending against third parties. All three legends have excellent mobility and retreat strategies in mind to leave a fight if one or more members fall during a third party. While Loba isn’t a great defender for revives, her presence means you can craft banners and Mobile Respawn Beacons with ease. Any of these legends can exit a fight without being caught by incoming fire due with their abilities.
Loba keeps her teammates’ loot stocked up, while Ash and Octane place their ultimates in positions that gain the upper hand against any threat ahead of them. Ash having two portals and dashes are crucial for all situations (before, during, and after a fight). She acts as the glue holding the team together and maneuvering through fights, and the team can use an Octane Pad to full-send on a team of her choosing.
While Octane’s Pad is incredibly useful to start a fight or retreat with its fast cooldown, you may find more luck swapping this legend out with Pathfinder, Wraith, or Revenant. However, we don’t recommend the swap to Path unless you’re happy watching Ash dart around every five seconds while you’re stuck waiting for your 30-second cooldown to end on your singular Grapple. All three of these legends have excellent mobility, but Octane’s Pad moves all team members together, making you a solid unit that leaps into the action. You can also use the Pad defensively if you’re trapped in a building or manage to get to one of those rare final circle endgame. Benching Octane in favor of Wraith is a great option too.
Upgrade Tier | Loba (Anchor) | Ash (IGL) | Octane (Fragger) |
Blue Armor | Wolf’s Claws | Greedy Snare | Thick Skin |
Purple Armor | Escape Artist | Dual Breach | Thick Skin |
Due to the hyper aggressive nature of this squad, SMGs and shotguns are in order. We don’t recommend snipers or marksman weapons—your abilities let you close the gap between yourself and the enemy, and you never want to be fighting at long range for long. The Flatline, R-301, Spitfire, or L-STAR with the Mastiff, R-99, Volt, or C.A.R. is what you want. Your choice between the primary weapons depends on your ability to handle their different recoil patterns.
1) Ash, Ballistic, and Lifeline

The obvious duo pick for season 24, Ash and Ballistic both have excellent kits that are ridiculously fun to use. Although Ash isn’t a Skirmisher, she behaves much like one with the dashing ability making you a harder target to kill. In this season where TTK is low, it’s important to use whatever edge you can to survive each encounter.
Ash’s dash makes her the perfect DPS pick, especially for those moving away from Pathfinder, Revenant, Octane, or Horizon. She can also double her dashes and ult charge with upgrades, making her more evasive than Loba. Paired with Ballistic and the new assault class passives, this comp is an absolute force to be reckoned with. Lifeline keeps the team intact with her D.O.C rez that gives her the freedom to hold a position while her drone revives downed teammates. Health is absolutely crucial here, so we cannot recommend a triple assault team when third parties continue to plague lobbies. If you want to adjust to an upcoming fight as quickly and effortlessly as possible, then Lifeline will provide healing as you armor swap( we found Lifeline’s heals are more helpful than Conduit’s shields).
This is an adaptable and resilient comp where everyone keeps each other alive and their backpacks full. Ballistic can place Red weapons in his sling, granting himself and teammates unlimited ammo for 40 seconds. This, alongside Ash’s ultimate, causes chaos in any battle, as the trio can move effortlessly across the map or punish anyone who tries to stand in their way of becoming champions.
Ultimate Accelerants are a must for Ballistic, Ash should carry grenades for her Arc Snares, and Lifeline needs to get back into the habit of hoarding batteries for herself and teammates.
Unlike other comps that typically revolve around one member, our top comp for season 24 shares equal responsibility across the team. Focusing on consistent damage, great positioning, and moving as a single unit, here are the upgrades we recommend for this composition:
Upgrade Tier | Ash (IGL) | Ballistic (Fragger) | Lifeline (Anchor) |
Blue Armor | Greedy Snare | Lasting Bullet | Battpack |
Purple Armor | Dual Breach | Extra Bullet | Tactical Cooldown+ |
Ballistic’s Lasting Bullet will punish anyone overextending in a fight and cause them to retreat. It also creates an opening for Ash to utilize one of her portals, or for a well-placed Lifeline Halo Shield that replenishes health quickly before the team commits to the fight.
Depending on your confidence and comfort, your loadout will vary depending on how aggressive you are as a team. Use the weapon you hit most of your shots with, as whiffing in this meta will get you downed incredibly fast. We recommend the L-STAR, Rampage LMG, or 30-30 Repeater for long-range fights. Then, as you move in for the kill, switch to an R-99, C.A.R., Mastiff, or EVA-8. Ensure Ballistic is holding onto a Red weapon in his sling for prime moments where he can activate unlimited ammo temporarily.
The best team compositions in Apex Legends, summarized
When you’re choosing the best team compositions in Apex, you have a few different options:
- Ash, Ballistic, and Lifeline: The challengers.
- Double your dashes and ult charges as Ash to move in and out of a fight with ease, increasing your overall survivability as a team. Lifeline slows down fights much like a Gibraltar bubble in an endgame. She can also revive while keeping herself active if anyone tries to push in. Having a support legend around will protect you better than triple assault. Ballistic completes the trio by removing the necessity to loot for ammunition after wiping a team.
- Ash, Octane, and Loba: The movers.
- The most aggressive comp on this list, all three legends have a way of escaping if they are the last alive. Loba keeps your backpack full while giving all members the ability to craft a Mobile Respawn Beacon. Ash and Octane’s ultimates should be used to get in and out of a fight and as a way to move quickly around the map (without ever needing to rely on Evac Towers again). Octane can be swapped out for another movement legend (we recommend Wraith if you don’t want to play Octane).
- Mad Maggie, Bangalore, and Mirage: The counter pick.
- A bombardment on information, this trio will overload enemy teams by obscuring vision. Whether it be smoke, clones, or a fireball being thrown, there are so many ways this comp can overwhelm teams. This trio works best at crushing opponents inside buildings, but they can play both defensively or offensively depending on the situation at hand.
- Ballistic, Catalyst, and Lifeline: The safety net.
- Control space to the best of your ability by cutting the line of sight and pausing the fight temporarily so you and your team can heal up and reposition. Enemies fly across the map this season, so putting the control back in your hands is crucial. Block doors, hurt enemies with Spikes, overload their magazines, and throw down an impenetrable Halo for fast healing. There’s so many ways to disrupt the opponents’ attack.
- Newcastle, Ash, and Ballistic: The space controllers.
- Newcastle slows down play drastically while also holding the power in his hands to control an area or take the high ground. Ballistic overloads magazines, making it difficult for enemies to get picks behind the Castle Wall. Ash keeps things unpredictable with her dashes and ultimate.
These are the best team compositions in Apex for season 24, but using them to their full potential relies coordinating well with your teammates. Good luck!
Published: Feb 14, 2025 9:58 PM UTC