Apex Legends might have one of the most creative player bases of any online game. One Apex fan shared their creation to the social media platform yesterday: a lifelike, 3D-printed replica of Ash’s sword.
The replica’s creator, 03MendicantBias, included a photo album of the sword, showing off different angles of the weapon. The sword shares all the same qualities as Ash’s weapon in game; it has a beige handle with a red thumb-grip, a slightly serrated blade on the side closest to the hilt, and a blue line stretching down the blade’s metal. “Phase Breach”—the name of Ash’s ultimate, which opens a phase tear using the simulacrum’s sword—can be seen in white paint on the weapon’s hilt, along with a few symbols.
The Reddit user has 3D-printed and posted images of a number of items from the Apex universe, including Revenant’s mask, Ash’s faceplate, Valkyrie’s Birthright helmet, and a Nessie keychain. Fans can find 03MendicantBias’ full collection of Apex-themed replicas in their Reddit bio.
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03MendicantBias told fellow commenters on the Reddit post they would share a 3D file so others can print their own Ash sword. In the meantime, fans with a 3D printer can use this file from Cults, a 3D-printing platform where users can upload and share designs, that features a similar, if not identical, version of Ash’s blade. Just make sure you have paint on hand to give it the final touches.
Published: Apr 22, 2022 10:06 PM UTC