Scyther, and later in its evolution chain, Scizor, is a pretty strong Bug-type Pokémon that appears in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. It’s a great addition for those who love Bug-type lineups, or who want to even out their teams.
There are several places trainers can find Scyther in Paldea. There is a fairly large portion of the map in the Northwest corner where the Pokémon will spawn, but there are also a few spots in the lower West of the map where players might be able to find it earlier in the game. There is also a small spot in the Northeast part of the map as well, although it’s not half as big as the other two spots where it can be found.
Because it spawns in so many spots, players are likely to find Scyther at some point during their exploration of the Paldea region. To get it earlier in the game, head to the Southwest section of the map, south of Mesagoza and south of the mountain range. Check the yellow highlighted spots on the map to see where you might be able to find Scyther.

Scyther can have both Bug and Flying type moves, which means that it can fill several holes in a player’s team if they’re missing that kind of skill set. Its evolution, Scizor, is also a pretty strong Pokémon once it’s evolved from Scyther, so having one will set players up for a decent team composition later down the line.
The Pokémon isn’t a rare spawn, so players shouldn’t have a hard time catching it, especially if they’re using the map above in order to pinpoint the locations. The habitat screen says that it lives by water and in bamboo groves, so take notice when you’re in those areas and you should have a Scyther in no time.
Published: Nov 17, 2022 8:14 PM UTC