Forge Construct locations offer the most reliable means of obtaining Zonai Charges, Large Zonai Charges, and Crystallized Charges in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom . These items are important because they are the primary way to obtain Zonai Devices from Device Dispensers.
These Zonai Devices allow you to create all manner of things with your Ultrahand ability, though, to do this, you need plenty of Zonai Charges. While fighting Constructs is an excellent way to get Zonai Charges, you may quickly run out of enemies to farm.
This is where Forge Constructs step in to save the day, and if you’re anything like me, you’ll quickly realize the value of keeping track of every single location. Given Forge Construct locations are inside darker areas, be sure to bring some sort of luminous tool to these areas.
Here’s everything you need to know in order to find every Forge Construct in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
All Forge Construct locations in Tears of the Kingdom
Below are all of the Forge Construct locations in Tears of the Kingdom. While you are initially introduced to Forge Constructs in the beginning area of the Great Sky Island, the overwhelming majority are actually located in The Depths.Â
The Great Sky Island Forge Construct

Located at the coordinates (3298, 0424, 0112), this is the first Forge Construct you are introduced to near the very beginning of your playthrough.
Great Abandoned Central Mine Forge Construct

This Forge Construct location is at (-0274, 0125, 0019). Found deep within The Depths, you need to find the Forest of Time Chasm and go west until you reach this area.
Abandoned Lurelin Mine Forge Construct

The Lurelin Mine is another location within The Depths. If you have already explored the area, it is located near the Mimufis Lightroot fast travel location, at (-0860, -1942, -0523).
Abandoned Hateno Mine Forge Construct

NNamed after the famous town found above the surface, the Abandoned Hateno Mine is another spot where you can purchase Zonai Devices of all kinds. This Forge Construct location is at these approximate coordinates (2947, -3372, -0453). Kimnaz Lightroot is the closest fast-travel location.
While traversing the Depths in pursuit of the Forge Constructs, don’t be afraid to investigate structures or enemy camps that catch your eye. There is loads of treasure beneath Hyrule, including many treasure chests that contain unique armor that reference previous The Legend of Zelda titles!
Abandoned Lanayru Mine Forge Construct

The Abandoned Lanayru Mine is near the Kawagom Lightroot fast travel area found at (3522, -2913, -0588). Once here, you only need to cross over a small pond to purchase Crystallized Charges, Zonai Charges, and more.
Abandoned Kara Kara Mine Forge Construct

The Kara Kara Mine is yet another mine found within The Depths with a nearby Forge Construct. The exact position of the Kara Kara Mine is at the following coordinates (-3192, -2451, -0474). The Forge Construct is located just to the south.
Published: Feb 28, 2024 08:42 am