World of Warcraft Classic Season of Disvery has been out for a few weeks, and many have already experienced most of what phase one has to offer. While Rune Engraving adds a twist to the familiar game, acquiring loot through dungeons and raids is just as unfriendly as ever.
This is especially true when it comes to Cloth-wearing casters. During Blackfathom Deeps runs, casters are always fighting for the Invoker’s robes that drop from specific bosses. Blizzard has decided to make it easier for casters by introducing Invoker’s Cord.
What is Invoker’s Cord in WoW Classic SoD?

The Invoker’s Cord is a new craftable belt that’s being added to the game during the next weekly maintenance on Dec. 20. From what we know, the Invoker’s Cord, along with the Invoker’s Mantle, grants additional spell damage and healing. There is a very good chance that this belt will be considered best-in-slot or, at the very least, pre-raid best-in-slot.
How to get Invoker’s Cord in WoW Classic SoD
You can buy the recipe for this belt from Tailoring supply vendors in Orgrimmar and Stormwind. At the time of publication, the belt still isn’t available in WoW Classic SoD. Hopefully, by the time you read this, you’ll be able to buy it from either Elynna in Darnassus (Alliance) or Borya in Orgrimmar (Horde).
Is it difficult to craft Invoker’s Cord in WoW Classic SoD?

Yes, it is. Even though we still don’t know the recipe requirements, there’s a good chance the materials for crafting the Invoker’s Cord will be hard to obtain. There is also a small chance that some crafting materials may only be obtained from the Blackfathom Deeps raid.
It’s nice that Blizzard is making acquiring BiS items for casters easier, but the devs aren’t just going to give them away without a bit of struggle. While the recipe for the Invoker’s Cord will likely be hard to make and expensive to buy, it’s still better than waiting for the weekly BFD reset only to try your luck yet again every three days.
Published: Dec 19, 2023 2:23 PM UTC