Shadowfang Keep is one of the first few dungeons that most Horde players do in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. Unlike WoW Retail, quests outside each dungeon need to be collected before entering the instance. I will help you find every quest for Shadowfang Keep dungeon.
There are three Horde-specific quests, one quest for Warlocks of both factions and one Paladin quest that involves Shadowfang Keep.

All Horde quests for Shadowfang Keep in WoW Classic SoD
- The Book of Ur – You can get this quest in the Undercity by talking to Keeper Bel’dugur, who likes to hang out in the Apotehecarium at 53.54. As long as you are level 16 and a member of the Horde, there are no other requirements for the quest. To finish the quest, loot the book that spawns near Fenrus (the sixth boss) on one of the bookshelves. If more than one player is on this quest, each one needs to loot the book. I actually started panicking when another player looted the book before me and it didn’t respawn. Just wait about 30 seconds, however, and it will appear.
- Deathstalkers in Shadowfang – You can grab this quest in the Sepulcher. If you are at least level 18, talk to High Executor Hadrec and accept this quest. For this quest, you need to go to Shadowfang Keep and find two Undead NPCs. One of them is lying at the entrance but behind the barred gate, and the other one is in one of the prison cells after the first boss (you can’t miss this one). After you free the one in the cell, go to the courtyard and find the other NPC (the one that was previously behind the gate). This is also where you turn in the quest.
- Arugal Must Die – Talk to Dalar Dawnweaver in the Sepulcher. For this quest, simply go through the entire Shadowfang Keep instance and defeat the last boss, Arugal.

WoW Classic SoD Warlock quest (both Alliance and Horde)
Level 20 or higher Warlocks can visit the Barrens near Camp Taurajo at 49.57 and find Doan Karhan. He asks you to find three small and one large Soran’ruk Fragments. The small ones can be found in Blackfathom Deeps. The large one drops from a haunted survivor after the first boss fight in Shadowfang Keep.
If you are an Alliance Warlock, you may want to bring a friend or two to help you because Shadowfang Keep isn’t often visited by Alliance players.
WoW Classic SoD Paladin quest (Alliance Only)
I actually remember doing this one almost 20 years ago, and it’s still just as annoying. This is a Paladin weapon quest that you get from Jordan Stillwell just outside of the Ironforge Gate. You need a bunch of items located in various locations, including two dungeons. One of these items is Jordan’s Smithing Hammer, located shortly after the first boss in Shadowfang Keep. Since Shadowfang Keep is rarely visited by Alliance players, you’ll have to bring a friend or be level 30 or higher.
After you get past the first boss, go into the courtyard and visit the horse stable. The hammer will be mounted on a wooden wall of the stable. Try to do this as early as possible because the reward is a fantastic blue two-handed maul.
Published: Dec 4, 2023 4:31 PM UTC