Established on the grounds of the legendary Warcraft franchise, World of Warcraft continued its legacy by further developing intricate and already beloved lore featuring main characters like Syvannas Windrunner, Arthas Menethil, Uther Lightbringer, and Jaina Proudmoore. Although Blizzard Entertainment has, over the years, developed a habit of expanding its fabled lore via novels and anthologies that can finally break down character development and intricate story details that otherwise couldn’t be tackled, they still love including epic lore quests paired with well-designed cinematics, to give the player an opportunity to witness these historical moments.
The most remember WoW lore quests are the Onyxia attunement quest chain for Alliance, the Battle for Undercity, the Scepter of the Shifting Sands, and of course, the Wrathgate quest in Wrath of the Lich King. As one of the first epic quests in WOTLK, the Wrathgate quest chain is our first cinematic encounter with the infamous Lich King.
Since this quest is a must to complete in WOTLK Classic, here’s everything you need to know about the Wrathgate quest, including how to get it, the quests you need to complete, and how to watch this incredible cinematic.
How to get and complete the Wrathgate quest in WoW Wrath of the Lich King
Before you can start the Wrathgate quest chain, you’ll first need to complete several prerequisite quests. After that, you can finally dive into the Wrathgate questline. As soon as you finish the Wrathgate quest, you’ll get the achievement Veteran of the Wrathgate. So, for the Horde, your journey will look like this:
- Step one
- Into the Fold
- Blood Oath of the Horde
- Agmar’s Hammer
- Step two
- Victory Nears…
- From the Depths of Azjol-Nerub
- The Might of the Horde
- Attack by Air!
- Blightbeasts be Damned
- Step three
- Strength of Icemist
- Chains of the Anub’ar
- Return of the High Chief
- All Hail Roanauk
- Step four
- Imbeciles Abound!
- The Forsaken Blight and You: How Not to Die
- Emerald Dragon Tears
- Spread the Good Word
- The Forsaken Blight
- Step five
- The Kor’kron Vanguard!
- Audience With The Dragon Queen
- Galakrond and the Scourge
- On Ruby Wings
- Step six
- Return to Angrathar
- Wrathgate cinematic
- Step seven (optional)
- Darkness Stirs
- Herald of War
- A Life Without Regret
- The Battle for the Undercity
For the Alliance, you’ll need to complete the following quests:
- Step one
- The Lost Courier
- Of Traitors and Treason
- High Commander Halford Wyrmbane
- Naxxramas and the Fall of Wintergarde
- Flight of the Wintergarde Defender
- Return to the High Commander
- Step two (the first part)
- Rescue from Town Square (optional: The Fate of the Dead)
- Find Durkon!
- The Noble’s Crypt
- Secrets of the Scourge
- Mystery of the Tome
- Understanding the Language of Death
- A Righteous Sermon
- Step two (the second part)
- The Demo-gnome
- The Search for Slinkin (optional: The Bleeding Ore and Not in Our Mine)
- Leave Nothing to Chance
- Understanding the Scourge War Machine
- Step three
- Into Hostile Territory
- Steamtank Surprise
- Scattered to the Wind
- The Chain Gun And You
- Plunderbeard Must Be Found! (optional: Breaking Off A Piece)
- Plunderbeard’s Journal
- Chasing Icestorm: The 7th Legion Front
- Chasing Icestorm: Thel’zan’s Phylactery
- Finality
- Step four
- An End And A Beginning
- To Fordragon Hold!
- Audience With The Dragon Queen
- Galakrond and the Scourge
- On Ruby Wings
- Return To Angrathar
- Step five (optional)
- Reborn From The Ashes
- Fate, Up Against Your Will
- A Royal Coup
- The Killing Time
- The Battle For The Undercity
Published: Oct 31, 2022 05:20 am