The Broken Heart is a powerful Relic from The Awakened King DLC in Remnant 2 that is awarded if a specific set of conditions are met in the DLC content.
Naturally, this article is going to contain spoilers for The Awakened King, so if you haven’t played it yet, tread carefully. If you’re caught up or you’re just built different, read on to learn how to get your hands on the Broken Heart Relic.
Remnant 2: How to get the Broken Heart Relic in The Awakened King DLC
I want to reiterate—the next paragraph contains massive spoilers for The Awakened King. If you aren’t familiar with the ending of the DLC and want it to remain a surprise, stop reading right now.
The Broken Heart is acquired by killing Nimue at the end of The Awakened King. When players encounter The One True King, he will promptly request that they slay Nimue in her chains on the Forlorn Coast. You have the option here to immediately attack and kill The One True King instead, or to agree to do the King’s bidding—in which case he will give you a special “weapon” capable of killing the goddess (weapon is in parenthesis because this is a quest item, not a usable weapon—don’t get too excited).
Agreeing to slay Nimue for the One True King does not force you into any decisions. After accepting, you will go speak to Nimue, and you get to decide whether you want to go through with the King’s request or double cross him. If you do decide to go through with the murder, there is no associated fight. You can simply select a dialogue option to kill Nimue without her chains ever being released.
If you slay Nimue, the Broken Heart will be immediately added to your inventory. It is not a reward from the One True King. In fact, the One True King does not give you any reward for slaying the goddess. Instead, he immediately becomes paranoid and sees the fact that you were willing to kill a divine being as a threat, and so he attacks you. Outside of the normal loot that you get for killing The One True King, Broken Heart is the only reward for killing Nimue.
Broken Heart Relic effects and stats
While I’m not a big advocate for killing Nimue in general, I am a big advocate for the Broken Heart Relic. This Relic has a unique healing function that allows for some interesting build options and fluid, teetering-on-the-brink play styles. Broken Heart has the following stats:
- Innate 50 percent Use Speed Bonus
- Sets current Health to 50 percent of max Health over 0.25 seconds
At a glance, this Relic looks, well… bad. Or at least, it took me a moment to see why I would want to use it. However, I’m so glad that I did. The biggest thing for me is the Use Speed bonus—I can’t express how many times this has saved my life. There are so many times where I have died only because I can’t possibly find the time needed to get a Relic use off, and this solves that problem.

As for the fact that the Relic only sets you to 50 percent of your max Health, this is something that can be used advantageously for certain builds. Just off the top of my head, I’m currently using a ring that gives me extra Bulwark stacks if I am at or below 50 percent health, and this Relic ensures that I always have that buff. There are plenty of items that have similar effects, so I recommend doing some experimenting with Broken Heart.
Published: Nov 17, 2023 10:14 PM UTC