Drain Punch is an unusual Fighting-type move in Pokémon. As you’d expect, most Fighting-type moves are all about dealing direct damage or buffing your own Pokémon’s stats, particularly Attack. Drain Punch provides something different: direct restoration as a result of damage, similar to the Grass-type moves Absorb and Mega Drain. It’s a useful tool that gives many Fighting-types survivability that they’ve never had before.
While only a handful of Pokémon learn it by leveling up, a large number of other Pokémon, including many non-Fighting-types, can learn it via TM. To teach it to them, you’ll need to find the TM first, which can be something of an endeavor in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s huge open world. If you’ve got your eye on a Drain Punch TM, we’ve tracked down its locations in Paldea to make things easier for you.
Here’s where to find the Drain Punch TM in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Drain Punch TM locations
South Province (Area Five) Watchtower
The closest place to Mesagoza to find a Drain Punch TM is Area Five’s Watchtower. Many of Paldea’s provinces have their own Watchtowers, which are tall structures that can be climbed to reveal an amazing view of the surrounding landscape. Many Watchtowers also contain prizes at the top, whether that’s an item or a Gimmighoul in Chest Form.
Area Five’s watchtower can be found in the extreme southern part of the South Province. You should be able to see it from a decent distance away, as it’s a very tall structure. Once you’ve found it, climb up its ladder and walk around the resulting platform to find the Drain Punch TM laying on the opposite side.
River Island
If you’re a little farther along in the game and need a second copy of Drain Punch, you can find it on a small island between the cities of Zapapico and Levincia. The island is unnamed, but it can be seen on the map. To get there, fly to Levincia and leave the city on foot. Head for East Province (Area Two). Follow the wide river that divides it and East Province (Area Three) toward the Crater of Paldea.
On your map, you’ll see a cluster of islands in the middle of the river. Use Koraidon or Miraidon to navigate to the smallest island, where you should find Drain Punch laying on the ground.
Note that Drain Punch can also be crafted from the TM machines in Pokémon Centers dotted across Paldea, but you’ll need to have beaten the Fairy-type Team Star boss before you’re able to do so.
Published: Dec 21, 2022 11:12 PM UTC