Pokémon Scarlet and Violet players will be able to receive a free Gastrodon via Mystery Gift in celebration of Korea’s 2023 Pokémon Trainers Cup finals.
On June 17, the 2023 Pokémon Trainers Cup finals will be streamed from South Korea for the junior and senior divisions after all four master division finalists were disqualified from the event and permanently banned from the circuit for their Metronome protest.
Related: Players vow to keep up protests as official Pokémon tournaments fall apart in Asia
During the stream, players will be able to acquire a free Mystery Gift code for a strong Gastrodon with a competitive build. This specific Gastrodon was used in the 2022 Pokémon Trainers Cup by champion Wonseok Jung, who also won the event back in 2021.
The Mystery Gift Gastrodon is a Water-type with the Storm Drain ability. The Pokemon comes with the Earth Power, Ice Beam, Yawn, and Protect moveset, and has Leftovers as its held item.
The Storm Drain ability gives Gastrodon additional immunity to Water-type attacks, while Yawn gives it a way to put targets to sleep or force them to switch out. Having Ground and Ice-type attacks allows it to hit common Tera Types like Steel, Fire, and Grass for super-effective damage.
Interestingly enough, there have been three other Mystery Gift events featuring Gastrodon since 2019, proving just how good the sea slug is in a competitive setting.
On top of its competitive viability, Gastrodon also happens to be a great Pokémon to bring to Tera Raids. With useful type resistances and immunities along with bulk on its side, Gastrodon can play a more supportive role with moves like Clear Smog and Helping Hand.
So whether you’re someone who likes competitive battling or challenging Tera Raids, this Mystery Gift event will give you a Pokémon that is great in either situation. Be sure to catch the June 17 stream for your chance to receive the Mystery Gift code.
Published: Jun 17, 2023 5:18 AM UTC