The first event to kick off in August 2024 is Pokémon Go‘s Adventure Week. For Adventure Week 2024, many returning Pokémon favorites are appearing, and there are several increased chances to earn a Shiny version of these Pokémon.
Adventure Week 2024 will have several notable wild Pokémon encounters throughout the event you can encounter while exploring your local neighborhoods. On top of them, you get multiple event-exclusive Field Research tasks and bonuses for logging in and playing the game. For any Pokémon Go fan who does not have an ideal fossilized Pokémon, now is the time to catch them, and we’re going to break down every detail for Adventure Week 2024.
All wild Pokémon encounters for Adventure Week 2024 in Pokémon Go

The featured Pokémon for Adventure Week 2024 are the fossilized versions from the mainline games. Adventure Week 2024 takes place from Aug. 2 to 12, giving you plenty of time to catch Pokémon like Omanyte, Kabuto, and Aerodactyl, to name a few. Some of the wild Pokémon are also from throughout the Pokémon franchise, giving you an additional chance to encounter them in the wild. You’ll want to walk around your local neighborhood to encounter them. Hopefully, we’ll get some details about the upcoming Dynamax during the event, or what’s coming at the World Championships.
These are all the wild Pokémon with increased spawn rates you can expect to see during Adventure Week 2024 in Pokémon Go. We’ve added an asterisk (*) next to their names to indicate if they can appear in their Shiny version—if you’re lucky.
- Aeodactyl*
- Bunnelby*
- Diglett*
- Drilbur*
- Dunsparce*
- Kabuto*
- Omanyte*
- Roggenrola*
All Adventure Week 2024 bonuses in Pokémon Go
All Pokémon Go players receive a series of bonuses throughout Adventure Week 2024. These bonuses are given to every player who logs in during the event, regardless of your participation in the main Timed Research or completing the Collection Challenge. These are all the bonuses for Adventure Week 2024.
- Five times as much XP for spinning PokéStop for the first time
- Increased chance to encounter the following Shiny Pokémon: Cranidos, Shieldon, Tirtouga, Archen, Tyrunt, and Amaura
- Twice as much XP for hatching Pokémon
- Twice as much XP for spinning PokéStops
All Field Research tasks and rewards for Adventure Week 2024 in Pokémon Go
Throughout Adventure Week 2024, spinning PokéStops or Gym dials can earn you event-exclusive Field Research tasks. These tasks will have the event-exclusive banner on them, providing distinct rewards for completing them in Pokémon Go. These are all the Field Research tasks and rewards you can earn throughout Adventure Week 2024.
We’ll update this section as we learn more about them during the event.
Published: Aug 1, 2024 6:35 PM UTC