In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s The Indigo Disc, you can evolve Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowbro using a Galarica Cuff. You get the cuff from an NPC at Coastal Plaza in exchange for eight Galarica Twigs.
You can find Galarica Twigs in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s The Indigo Disc as sparkling items on the ground, on the beach north of Coastal Plaza, where you will also find a bunch of Galarian Slowpoke.
While the NPC that helps you says you can find Galarica Twigs all over the Coastal Biome, I only found them where Galarian Slowpokes were also present. From my experience, the item spawn is strongly linked to their presence.
Galarica Twigs exact location in Pokémon SV The Indigo Disk

Galarica Twigs, a requirement for evolving Galarian Slowpoke, can be found as sparkling ground items on the beach north of Coastal Plaza, in the Coastal Biome. This spot is not only great for collecting Twigs, which appear in batches of one to three, but it’s also the best area for catching Galarian Slowpoke. I even stumbled upon a shiny one there, without any shiny sandwiches or modifiers.
The only issue with Galarica Twigs is their respawn time; they don’t reappear quickly. After collecting all I could find, I tried to make them respawn by resetting the game or making a picnic, but I had no luck. I advise you to just play the game as usual and revisit the beach later. The Twigs will eventually be back for you to collect again.
How to make Galarica Cuff in Pokémon SV The Indigo Disk

After collecting eight Galarica Twigs, make your way to Coastal Plaza, just south of Slowpoke Beach. In the plaza’s center, find the NPC to the left of the vending machines, identifiable by a yellow text balloon over her head signaling a quest. This NPC crafts the Galarica Cuff.
Approach her and request a Galarica Cuff. She’ll ask for eight Twigs in exchange, which you’ve already gathered. Hand them over, and after a brief wait, she’ll give you the Galarica Cuff in return.
How to use Galarica Cuff to evolve Galarian Slowpoke

With the Galarica Cuff in your possession and a Galarian Slowpoke in your party, open your Bag and go to the Other Items pocket. Scroll down to locate the Galarica Cuff.
Select it and use the item on the Galarian Slowpoke. This will trigger its evolution into Galarian Slowbro, who will instantly learn its signature Poison move, Shell Side Arm.
Published: Jan 10, 2024 4:57 PM UTC