Some games reset their servers, providing a fresh start for newbies and leveling the playing field for everyone, despite some people playing for weeks. Once Human developers do this every so often. They periodically wipe the servers so everyone can work through things again.
Because the Once Human developers do this occasionally, it’s important to have a rough idea of when the server wipes happen. You should ensure you’re prepared for the wipe and know when you can return to the grind.
How do server wipes work in Once Human?

A server wipe in Once Human occurs at the beginning of the next season. The next season and server wipe happens on Aug. 20, and on that date, there will be a large content drop. Expect to log into the game with nearly everything gone, but you do keep a handful of things to make the transition much easier.
Each season lasts around six weeks from the last wipe. When the wipe happens, instead of the map resetting and missions going back to square one, the developers give players a chance to explore different maps with different creatures and missions to take on.
You also get to keep the items and resources you obtained in the previous season scenario. They transfer to the next one, so you don’t need to restart completely. Any items you had in the last season are moved to a place called Eternaland, which is the game’s creative mode, giving you a personal space to build whatever you want with the tools you’ve unlocked.
However, you lose your character’s levels, in-game resources you can find while exploring, and the map changes to a different area you can explore. You’ll explore a new location, so expect to see new regions of the map. You don’t lose everything, like your gear blueprints, cosmetics, furniture formulas, weapon accessories, and mod currencies, but there’s lots to do on your first day in a brand-new season of Once Human.
Published: Aug 5, 2024 3:06 PM UTC