After receiving multiple reports of bugs and performance issues following the July 25 update on MTG Arena, WotC is performing scheduled maintenance on Aug. 1.
Following the latest update on MTGA, the Magic community immediately began reporting visual bugs and disconnects from the server. The patch was supposed to resolve performance issues that began after the M20 update but instead created several new ones.
The latest reports include visual bugs, such as cards getting stuck suspended above the battlefield and opening hands mushed together. Disconnects during matches also have become a major issue, especially for those experiencing them during high ranked matches, and in paid Limited tournaments.
Most visual bugs players are experiencing have rendered matches unplayable, sometimes costing them rank while also losing out on EXP that might have been gained from a win.
Not every MTGA player has experienced the performance issues and bugs plaguing the system since they are random and erratic. Even though WotC is aware of a majority of the bugs, players are encouraged to still report issues via the support page.
WotC hasn’t announced what type of maintenance will occur with the Aug. 1 update, however, it is scheduled to last around two hours.
Related: Here are the MTG Arena updated codes for Core Set 2020
Downtime for those playing on MTGA during the update isn’t expected, however players will need to download the new patch and restart the game once the maintenance update is complete.
Published: Jul 31, 2019 10:56 PM UTC