So you’ve entered the Wolves’ Den and unlocked the PvP game modes in Final Fantasy XIV. It might be confusing at first to discover all new PvP abilities since they are significantly adjusted for all classes. In that way, PvP feels very different than PvE, and you might end up not liking the same classes.
Choosing a PvP job can be challenging at first, so you might assume knowing which classes perform best in those modes would help you make the decision. But in FFXIV, all classes are pretty well-balanced and some only slightly outperform others most of the time. Nevertheless, it’s good to know the strengths and weaknesses of those modes to make an informed decision.
Here are the best PvP classes in FFXIV except for the Blue Mage, which is not included since it cannot be played in those game modes.
Best PvP tier list in FFXIV

The best PvP jobs are categorized into three specialties: tanks, healers, and DPS.
DPS job tier list in FFXIV

Melee DPS jobs are ideal for Crystalline Conflict, but it’s not easy to find success when playing them in the other ones. While close-ranged jobs thrive in the PvP game mode with its small maps and fast-paced matches, the other game mode’s arenas are much wider.
If you get a bit too greedy, you’ll likely draw the attention of many enemies at once. Since it’s large-scale, engaging in the fight implies more risks. In Crystalline Conflict, on the other hand, the players can retreat from the fight more easily. Additionally, being close-ranged means it’s easier to remain in one small area and defend it.
That said, melee jobs aren’t easy to pick up. If you don’t know how to play them, start with jobs that are more accessible, such as the Dragoon. Its combo is easy to learn, and its Limit Break is very strong since it makes the Dragoon untargetable before stomping the area chosen to inflict heavy AoE damage.
Reaper is also a solid choice in PvP since it has some heavy CC with a decent cooldown, and it can move around fairly quickly and do massive damage. On the other hand, other jobs like the Samurai, Ninja, Reaper, and Monk are more challenging to grasp when you don’t know their rotation, so you’ll need to invest a bit of effort to have an impact when playing them.
In general, Physical Ranged and Caster DPS will deal less raw damage. But they’re still very strong in PvP. The Machinist is especially strong for its versatility and Limit Break, but all of them can be played at a decent level. Bard and Dancer will need more support from the team, though.
Casting spells is not easy in fast-paced PvP games, which is why the Black Mage is so low in the tier list. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to get wins when playing them. Landing combos is very satisfying, but it’ll require more knowledge of the mode and class.
Tank job tier list in FFXIV

The tank jobs might be the most unbalanced category of jobs in FFXIV following Endwalker‘s significant job changes, even if it also brought buffs to the underrepresented jobs—especially the Dark Knight.
Fortunately, the Paladin received successive buffs that made it rise in the tier list throughout the 2023 year. He’s now on top with the Warrior (who has been dominant since PvP was reworked) thanks to his healing potential, which has been increased by the developer.
The Gunbreaker and Dark Knight are also great, but they have less survivability and overall value than the Warrior and Paladin.
Heal job tier list in FFXIV

All Heal jobs have a role to play in PvP modes. They’re especially important in large-scale modes since they get enough space to either stay in the backline and heal their allies or poke their enemies at a safe distance. They are all viable, but one sticks out more than any other with how it’s currently balanced.
Play White Mage in any PvP mode and you’ll find yourself the target of every enemy very quickly. The barrier healers, Sage and Scholar, can play more aggressively, while the regen healers, White Mage and Astrologian, will generally play more defensively.
If you’re not used to heal jobs, the White Mage will be your best bet. It’s the easiest job to grasp, with straightforward spells and a powerful AoE Limit Break that can change the course of any fight with it’s CC, whether it’s in Crystalline Conflict or any other mode. The Sage, on the other hand, is the most focused on attack, so it’s best played when you’re fully confident in your few healing capabilities.
Published: Apr 4, 2023 6:13 PM UTC