Having the right team combination in Metaphor ReFantazio is vital to mastering its combat, not just because of strengths and weaknesses. Each Archetype has a set of high-powered Synthesis abilities that can deal tremendous damage.
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These combo abilities hinge on your choice of Archetype, similar to Showtime attacks in Persona 5 Royal, where different party members have different combo attacks. Each has its requirements, which usually include specific Archetypes. For instance, a Mage can deal devastating abilities with a Seeker, while a Warrior and a Brawler pair well together. Here’s a breakdown of all Synthesis abilities in Metaphor ReFantazio.
All Synthesis abilities and effects in Metaphor ReFantazio

So far, this list only includes the combinations for the first Archetype in each lineage.
Lineage | Synthesis Ability | Effect | Second Ally |
Seeker | Rider of the Blade (five MP) | Heavy physical Light damage (single-target) | Knight, Healer, Commander |
Seeker | Horse-Drawn Carnage (five MP) | Heavy Strike damage (single-target) | Warrior, Brawler, Berserker |
Seeker | Gacyc (six MP) | Weak magic Wind damage (all foes) | Seeker, Mage, Healer |
Seeker | Matarukaja (18 MP) | Raises party’s attack for three turns | Seeker, Knight, Commander |
Seeker | Adventurer’s Curiosity (Eight MP) | Raises party’s crit rate for three turns | Gunner, Masked Dancer, Berserker |
Seeker | Gacyclo (10 MP) | Medium magic Wind damage (all foes) | Seeker, Mage, Healer |
Seeker | Tetrabreak (18 MP) | Disables a Repel Phys effect | Thief, Faker, Merchant |
Warrior | Round Slash (14 MP) | Weak Slash damage (all foes) | Knight, Healer, Commander |
Warrior | Bamboo Splitter (Six MP) | Heavy Slash damage (one foe) | Warrior, Brawler, Berserker |
Warrior | Peerless Stonecleaver (22 MP) | Severe Slash damage. Adds a turn icon on killing blow. | First ally: Warrior, Thief, or Masked Dancer Second ally: Warrior, Brawler, Berserker |
Mage | Gabot (six MP) | Weak Fire damage to all foes | Seeker, Mage, Healer |
Mage | Botra (10 MP) | Medium Fire damage (single-target) | Mage, Masked Dancer, Summoner |
Mage | Gablizz (six MP) | Weak Ice damage (all foes) | Seeker, Mage, Healer |
Mage | Blizza (10 MP) | Medium Ice damage (single-target) | Mage, Masked Dancer, Summoner |
Mage | Gakande (six MP) | Weak Lightning damage (all enemies) | Seeker, Mage, Healer |
Mage | Kandera (10 MP) | Medium Lightning damage (one foe) | Mage, Masked Dancer, Summoner |
Mage | Meteophor (22 MP) | Severe Fire damage (single-target) | First ally: Seeker, Mage, Healer Second ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, Summoner |
Knight | Jump Thrust (six MP) | Medium Pierce damage, lowers defense (single-target) | Warrior, Brawler, Berserker |
Knight | Protect Guard (10 MP) | Nullifies one physical attack for one ally. | Knight, Healer, Commander |
Knight | Magic Guard (28 MP) | Nullifies one magic (non-Almighty) attack for all allies on the same row | Seeker, Mage, Healer |
Knight | Hammer of Justice (18 MP) | Heavy Pierce damage, causes a one-time weakness to Pierce (one foe) | Brawler, Merchant, Summoner |
Healer | Mahama (six MP) | Weak Light damage to all foes | Seeker, Mage, Healer |
Healer | Medica (20MP) | Medium HP recovery for all allies | Knight, Healer, Commander Requires Meda skill |
Healer | Magical Injection (12MP) | Nullifies one attack that would inflict a status ailment on all allies. | Brawler, Merchant, Summoner |
Brawler | Meteoric Fist (HP percent) | Weak Strike damage to all foes, two to three hits | Warrior, Brawler, Berserker |
Brawler | Energy Ray (HP percent) | Heavy physical Light damage, single-target. Power scales off remaining HP. | Seeker, Mage, Healer |
Gunner | Wild Barrage (14MP) | Medium physical Pierce damage to all enemies, two to three hits. Used from back row. | Gunner, Faker, Summoner |
Gunner | Masukukaja (18MP) | Raises hit/evasion by one stage for all allies during three turns | Seeker, Knight, Commander |
Gunner | Mania Bullet (22MP) | Heavy Pierce damage to one enemy, causing a one-time weakness to Slash/Pierce/Strike | Thief, Faker, Merchant |
Thief | Mamudo (six MP) | Weak magic Dark damage (all foes) | Seeker, Mage, Healer |
Thief | Phantom Tracer (12 MP) | Extreme physical damage, removes buffs (one foe) | Warrior, Thief, Masked Dancer |
Thief | Mamudoon (10 MP) | Medium magic Dark damage (all foes) | Seeker, Mage, Healer |
Merchant | All Reset (36MP) | Removes nearly all beneficial effects from all enemies | Thief, Faker, Merchant |
Merchant | Fortune Slots (777 Reeve) | All hits deal critical physical Almighty damage, but this ability has a low hit rate | Brawler, Merchant, Summoner |
Commander | Busterblast Maneuver (18MP) | Deals extreme magic Fire damage to enemies and reduces their hit/evasion for three turns. | Mage, Masked Dancer, Summoner |
Commander | Assault Beacon (26MP) | Increases attack, defense, and hit/evasion for all allies (three turns) | Seeker, Knight, Commander |
Commander | Megido (15MP) | Medium magical Almighty damage to all foes | Gunner, Faker, Summoner |
Faker | Matarunda (18MP) | Decreases foes’ attack for three turns | Knight, Healer, Commander Requires Tarunda |
Faker | Marakunda (18MP) | Decreases defense for all foes (three turns) | Knight, Healer, Commander Requires Rakunda |
Faker | Masukunda (18MP) | Reduces hit/evasion for all foes for three turns | Knight, Healer, Commander Requires Sukunda |
Faker | Debilitate (24MP) | Decreases one enemy’s attack, defense, and hit/evasion for three turns | First ally: Thief, Faker, Merchant Second ally: Thief, Faker, Merchant |
Faker | Free Juggling (0MP) | Deals weak physical Almighty damage to all foes. | Gunner, Faker, Summoner |
Masked Dancer | Hellfire Dance (26MP) | Inflicts all enemies with a one-time weakness to Fire. (Almighty) | Mage, Masked Dancer, Summoner |
Masked Dancer | Ice-Blue Dance (26MP) | Inflicts all enemies with a one-time weakness to Ice. (Almighty) | Seeker, Mage, Healer |
Masked Dancer | Sable Dance (26MP) | Inflicts all enemies with a one-time weakness to Dark. (Almighty) | Warrior, Thief, Masked Dancer |
Masked Dancer | Danse Macabre (12MP) | High chance of instakilling all enemies. (Dark) | Thief, Faker, Merchant |
Masked Dancer | Masquerade Charge (26MP) | Greatly increases party’s physical damage once per battle | Gunner, Masked Dancer, Berserker |
Summoner | Several | The Summoner’s Synthesis abilities depend on making vessels in Akadeimia. | Varies on Vessel |
Berserker | Rampage Slash (18MP) | Extreme Slash damage to one enemy, ignoring resistances. | Warrior, Brawler, Berserker |
Berserker | Wild Bore (20MP) | Deals extreme Pierce damage to one enemy and drastically reduces their attack for three turns. | Gunner, Faker, Summoner |
Berserker | Wanton Destruction (20MP) | Extreme Strike damage to one foe. Causes a one-time weakness to Strike. | Knight, Healer, Commander |
Berserker | Battlecry Tackle (28MP) | Heavy Strike damage to all enemies one to three times, ignoring resistances. | Seeker, Knight, Commander |
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Published: Oct 11, 2024 03:37 am