Team liquid is having problems and they have been having the same problems for the whole split.
1.Top laner should never play tank champions.
Quas is a player who plays tanks extremely bad. The Idea of spell absorbing and spell rotation does not exist on the player. Please stop him from playing tanks.
2.Write down your research
For the second week in a row you know a particular champion is going to be picked by your opponent. Lack of preparation is not a excuse. Start writing down your research , it will be better.
3.Team chemistry
Off game team chemistry is important but team synergy in-game is extremely important. Reksai and mundo have no synergy. Reksai and Cassiopeia have no synergy. Reksai and Kalista have no synergy. Reksai and Janna have no synergy. There are only 124 champions.
4.Stop with advanced strategy
The team regularly plays against them and plays really advanced tactics. Find easier tactics which works for the team. Cassiopeia and kalista team is not a simple strategy.
5.Look at your own videos
In the episode 3 see from 5:00 to 5:10. what was exactly wrong with the death. Its the itemization choices. A zhonyas hourglass would have saved him. Your team players have extremely bad itemization choices. Look at all the games and every single game there is a itemization issue.
6. Reseach Reseach Research
If you want to know why Cassiopeia failed look at the end interview from UOL and FNATIC game. Power of Evil talks about the reason. Watch kabum vs alliance game. Ignore the players and look at the champions. Understand Juggermaw you can run the comp really good. Watch CLG you can play all their champion compositions 10 times better.
Easy game easy strategy will win for your game. Have one single team strategy. Statistically you will win the next three games and lose the playoff. I wish you could defeat the statistical timeline.
Published: Mar 22, 2015 12:29 AM UTC