NA LCS has been crazy this off season especially with all the rumours and drama going on ranging from Doublelift’s big switch to TSM all the way to the buying out off LCS spots. This is by far the craziest off season we fans have experienced and it has kept me entertained, frustrated, sad, depressed, but most of all I now am experiencing a League of Legends existential crisis asking myself what is even the point of everything.Off Seasons in the past was a joy to us LoL fans in a sense that we get to see all of our favorite players stream for non stop while we wait for the spring split of LCS. Even though we still get to see our favorite streamers struggle through the preseason we are also bombarded by the stupid amount of rumors and drama.
As I witness all the big name transfers and new “super teams” being created I ask myself the question, Worlds? Is that even a goal that LCS teams are trying to achieve. By now it feels as if pro players “dreams” of winning worlds is a long running inside joke we share in the lol scene. LCS itself is almost regressing as a league because of the amount of transfers going on and new teams being formed compared to other regions. The fact that the most shocking news about the whole Doublelift transfer saga was that him and Aphromoo were no longer friends really shows how messed up NA fans priorities are.
NA LCS was the first region to have imports and is the region with the most imports, now why is that? One might say that the reason is that NA talent pool is so low, while that is a topic that I will touch on another time NA having a lot of imports is mostly because of the pay raise and the popularity. NA has pays their players way more than other regions such as EU and KR and almost as much as China but NA LCS is also the most popular league in the world. Becoming an LCS pro is equivalent to becoming a celebrity compared to other Leagues. In Lustboys recent vlog about the differences between KR and NA he emphasizes how relaxed NA Teams. In KR teams grind out day in and day out with only League of Legends in their minds not to say that NA Pro Players work hard everyday it’s just that there is a different perspectives on what is a pro player.
Published: Nov 19, 2015 3:20 AM UTC