Ultimate Spellbook lets League of Legends players live out their greatest fantasies with a whole bucketload of cool Ultimates at their fingertips—but the ever-fun, chaotic playlist isn’t always available to play despite its huge popularity.
Thankfully, Riot Games has now confirmed Spellbook will be back for another spin through the end of 2024, a long 24 months after the League mode was last live through the Star Guardian celebrations in 2022. Not only is it coming back into rotation after a hefty chunk of time away, but Riot has been playing around with exactly what Spellbook can be.
Here’s what we know about Ultimate Spellbook’s next League comeback.
LoL Ultimate Spellbook return date

Ultimate Spellbook is returning to League when Patch 14.19 goes live, which will be on Wednesday, Sept. 25, according to the official Riot update schedule this year.
The limited-time mode’s return will come all bundled up inside the 2024 World Championship event, which is slated to begin at the same time. This big League event will be a celebration of all things esports and will include rewards, chests, and cool new items off an event track—all of which will then tie back in to the Ultimate Spellbook playlists.
Riot has yet to confirm how long the Spellbook run will last for this time.
Ultimate Spellbook’s 2024 changes, explained

When Spellbook goes live in late September, it’s going to look a little different: The League developers have been hard at work overhauling the mode to breath fresh life into the playlist, with the main focus being “more ultimates.”
The big Ultimate Spellbook rework includes:
- Four Ultimates to choose between (up from three)
- More League champion Ultimates added to the pick pool
- Extra pick options appearing through the game
- Ultimate Ammo that lets you use Ults more than once
- Balancing changes for jungle and Smite casts
This is the first time in more than two years that Riot has deemed it necessary to play around with Ultimate Spellbook’s core rules, so everything’ll be up in the air on release.
Published: Sep 12, 2024 6:02 AM UTC