New League of Legends champions and skins go on sale today for the next three days.
Mid laners are the stars of this sale, with Zed, Jayce, Anivia, and Heimerdinger all in the spotlight.
Skin sales occur every three days, offering players an incentive to complete their champion pool or buy a skin they have been debating for some time but never wanted to pay full price for. All sale items are purchasable through the in-game shop.
Here are all of this week’s champion and skin sales.
Blast Zone Heimerdinger – 260 RP
Not every experiment has to be a success. Some can be quite… explosive.
Hextech Anivia – 375 RP
Hextech magic has created this winged beast.
Pentakill Sona – 487 RP
The world of heavy metal is not ready to hear Sona’s new Crescendo.
River Spirit Nami – 487 RP
Beware the spirit of the river. If you hear her song run away, or risk losing your soul.
Anivia – 395 RP
Winter is coming. The Cryophoenix is here.
Jayce – 440 RP
The hero of Piltover is here to defend the future from the forces of evil.
Fiora – 440 RP
Care to challenge her to a duel? Careful, you will lose.
Zed – 487 RP
Unlock an ancient power and become the Master of Shadows.
Published: May 4, 2017 9:54 PM UTC