A new Riot update on the current ranked system in League of Legends is coming this Friday, lead designer Ed “SapMagic” Altorfer revealed on Twitter yesterday.
SapMagic said the design team will be “discussing the state of Ranked and detailing our plans for position ranks, high-skill matchmaking, and the top of the ladder” in this new update. Though he hasn’t detailed exactly if it’s good or bad news regarding each of these topics, we might have an idea based on the latest update on the ranked system published a few days ago.
When SapMagic published the Ranked /dev Update #3 last Friday on the League website, he’d already mentioned that the meta game design team is evaluating the overall ranked changes implemented this season as good and well-received by the community, but things like position rank previews might be gone, and a reset may come to the top of the ranked ladder.
This new developer update might bring more drastic changes, like the complete removal of the positional rank preview. If this happens, players will go back to having a single rank that is equal to their highest position rank. Apparently, despite positional matchmaking working really well, players feel like position ranks are too grindy, don’t feel rewarding, and have lower competitive intent.
Detailed information is also coming for high-elo players who are having issues with ranking up the ladder in Diamond and above. The gains of League Points are apparently broken, and players in Master or higher are sometimes matched with Diamond players when they shouldn’t be. In the previous Ranked update, SapMagic said there were several things the team could do if it found it was a widespread issue, but that more news was coming in the March 8 update.
A lot of Ranked tweaks seem ready to come to League very soon. We will only understand when and how they will come once the next Ranked team update is released on March 8.
Published: Mar 5, 2019 4:20 PM UTC