Seraphine has apparently outstayed her welcome in bot and mid lane, with the League of Legends developers trying to push her back into a supporting role from the next update with changes to three abilities and her base stats.
Changes for Seraphine’s Q, W, and E abilities hit the League PBE on Oct. 12, with the tentative adjustments all geared towards support strengths.
The most telling change comes through her mana tweaks. Her Surround Sound and Beat Drop abilities both had cost changes, while her underlying mana economy has been reshifted to sit closer to other long-standing support picks like Sona, Janna, Milio, Karma, Nami, and Renata Glasc.
Her health, armor, and attack speed are also being massaged.
Seraphine’s ultimate ability, Encore, and her Note-themed Stage Presence passive have both been left untouched in the changes, which are now playable on the League PBE testing realm, for the time being.
Anyone who has played League competitively over the last few months will doubtless have seen this coming; the Starry-Eyed Songstress has enjoyed impressive win rates in the mid and bot lane across most of the season, according to League stats site Lolalytics. When picked as an ability power bot laner she wins 53.30 percent of the time and hovers above a balanced 50 percent whenever she appears in solo lanes.
Comparatively, she has only appeared as a support pick in a hair over 8,000 games across the 13.20 patch. In that smaller sample size, Seraphine has managed to win just 49.24 percent of matches.
While Riot has not said when the mini-rework will go live, Dot Esports expects it to be bundled into League Patch 13.21, which is set for a Wednesday, Oct. 25 release.
Every tweak is, of course, still tentative until they actually make it to live servers; the developers may remove them at any time.
Seraphine League PBE changes
Base stats
- Health growth reduced from 104 to 90.
- Mana reduced from 440 plus 40 to 360 plus 50.
- Mana regeneration changed from 8.0 plus 1.0 to 11.5 plus 0.4.
- Base armor increased from 19 to 26.
- Attack speed growth increased from one to two percent.
Q — High Note
- Minimum base damage increased from 55-115 to 60-160, maximum base damage increased from 82.5-172.5 to 90-240.
- Minimum ability power scaling changed from 45-65 percent to 45 percent constant, maximum ability power scaling changed from 67.5-97.5 percent to 67.5 percent constant.
- Cooldown reduced from 10-5 to 9-5 seconds.
W — Surround Sound
- Base shield increased from 50-130 to 60-200.
- Missing health heal ability power scaling removed, base value remains unchanged at 5-7 percent missing health.
- Mana cost increased from 50-90 to 70-90.
E — Beat Drop
- Base damage increased from 60-140 to 60-180.
- Cooldown changed from 10 seconds to 11-9 seconds.
- Mana cost reduced from 60-100 to 60-80.
Published: Oct 13, 2023 2:54 AM UTC