New League of Legends champions and skins go on sale tomorrow for the next three days.
Mid laners are on offer this time around, with Brand, Syndra, and Yasuo all prepared to help you climb the rankings.
Skin sales occur every three days, offering players an incentive to complete their champion pool or buy a skin they have been debating for some time but never wanted to pay full price for. All sale items are purchasable through the in-game shop.
Here are all of this week’s champion and skin sales.
Frosted Ezreal – 260 RP
Winter is coming.
Apocalyptic Brand – 375 RP
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
Jurassic Kog’Maw – 487 RP
Unleash the primal rage.
Bioforge Darius – 487 RP
Technology and magic has combined to create something destructive.
Nidalee – 395 RP
Fear the wild.
Renekton – 440 RP
Unleash your vengeance on Shurima.
Syndra – 440 RP
Command the forces of evil.
Yasuo – 487 RP
Redeem yourself. Climb out of bronze.
Published: Jul 27, 2017 3:18 PM UTC