When you come across a bug in Genshin Impact, it’s usually a nuisance that hinders your gameplay experience. But one bug is turning the standard five-star recruit Diluc into an unstoppable damage-dealing force—and it’s so good that Travelers would like it to stay forever.
Following the massive Version 4.0 update that added the Hydro region of Fontaine to Teyvat, Diluc unlocked an epic superpower when combined with the Anemo character Venti. With the right timing and placement, Diluc’s elemental skill has become capable of applying brutal Pyro damage over and over until an enemy is defeated.
Related: Genshin Impact players are in love with a fancy Fontaine feature—and we can’t blame them
If you’ve attempted to take on the Fontaine local legend Ninianne of the Lake, you’ll have a solid idea of how formidable this foe can be. But with the Diluc bug, taking on this foe seems to be no challenge at all as Diluc repeatedly strikes them with 27,241 damage until they have been eliminated. This works with other foes too and battles become exceptionally easy as the Pyro character locks in a high damage number and then repeats this number over and over when the bug takes effect.
To make this bug work, you need to use Venti’s elemental skill right next to your targeted enemy. Once you’ve activated it, you can then switch to Diluc. Use Diluc’s elemental skill twice while also walking forward, then as soon as his second attack ends, spam his plunging attack. Diluc then basically gets stuck in Venti’s updraft and is able to continuously apply his Pyro skill because of this.
As great as this bug is, miHoYo is already aware of it and plans to patch it out. Some players have said they already can’t perform this epic bug any longer while others say they can still do it, so if you have both Diluc and Venti, then you’ll want to run to try this as soon as possible before it is officially removed.
The damage this bug allows Diluc to deal is so immense that one member of the Genshin community called him “Diluc the Pyro Archon” since his powers are truly godly while in this state and since we have yet to officially meet the Pyro Archon of Teyvat.
Since this bug is so good, players wouldn’t mind it staying around for a while, or forever, especially when there are many detrimental bugs that have been present in the game for years. One Genshin player pointed out that “Mona’s C1 has been bugged since her release three years ago but because the bug makes it worse, Hoyo hasn’t done anything” yet when a fun bug like Diluc’s comes along, the devs say almost immediately that they’ll fix it.
Mona’s first constellation is meant to extend the duration of the Frozen elemental reaction, but it has never actually done this, which makes getting her C1 entirely useless. The devs have never directly addressed this or made any changes to fix it. Her C1 also hasn’t been updated to work with Dendro, and since the Frozen issue has been prevalent for years with no fixes or notice from the devs, it doesn’t look like it will be anytime soon.
This Genshin player explained that they wish the developers “cared 10 percent as much about bugs that actually hurt players as they do about fun bugs.”
In the past, when fun bugs like this Diluc one have been noticed, they have always been swiftly taken care of while annoying bugs remain for much longer and sometimes permanently. Albedo once had a super jump boost bug, Kokomi once was able to walk on water indefinitely, and Keqing once had an incredible catapult ability, but all of these fun bugs were patched almost immediately.
Meanwhile, Mona’s C1 doesn’t function at all, Dehya remains Teyvat’s most broken and clunky character despite players begging for fixes for months, Xinyan’s passive has been broken for years, and many other recruits are desperately in need of important fixes to make them function properly.
It’s always enjoyable to see fun character bugs like this one occur, but it’s also a frustrating reminder that the devs are listening and aware yet still haven’t addressed many other not-so-fun character bugs that players have been asking to be fixed for years.
Published: Aug 24, 2023 5:09 PM UTC