There are many capable fighters to test your combat prowess in Dynasty Warriors Origins, but none are more foreboding than fighting Lu Bu, the greatest fighter of the land, at Hulao Gate.
While there are plenty of opportunities to scrap with the legendary warrior, the Battle of Hulao Gate is where you can earn an achievement or trophy for your efforts. Unlike one later battle where you must rescue Sun Jian from an untimely demise, it is entirely possible to beat Lu Bu during this battle on your first playthrough. However, you’ll need to master parrying, dodging, and countering with your skills to whittle down his shields effectively and halt his advance for good.
How to protect Yuan Shao from Zhang Liao’s ambush

Before you even think about taking on Lu Bu, there’s another warrior who you should deal with first. In the first moments of the battle, a cavalry unit led by Zhang Liao attempts to break through the central line to slay Yuan Shao. This cannot happen; otherwise, you’ll lose the battle.
To be in an optimal position, start the battle with Xiahou Dun as your companion so that you advance from the top of the map. Take the left path as you advance to take the more southerly base. As you do, you can intercept Zhang Liao’s cavalry before it even gets a chance to make a dent in the central line, which is vital to keeping Yuan Shao safe later in the battle.
Beating Zhang Liao will reward you with your first Twin Pikes. These weapons are slow to wind up, but cause a lot of damage with big swipes in the right hands. If you need healing items after beating him, or at any point in the battle, the nearby bases will have pots you can break to replenish meat buns.
How to beat Lu Bu at Hulao Gate

Continue with the mission from this point, taking bases and supporting your allies who are struggling. They’ll each set up for an ambush on the central line, so wait for each one to fully set up before triggering the ambush into a large-scale battle. Dian Wei will likely trigger the Unstoppable Force Grand Tactic, so protect him to annihilate the enemy’s morale.
Upon the large force’s defeat, Dong Zhuo will set loose Lu Bu. Riding his swift horse, Red Hare, and armed with a massive spear, his attacks are mostly unblockable with red auras. Time your dodges perfectly and use evasive counters to get some chip damage, while reacting to other attacks with parries or skill-breaks when possible. Should you knock him off his horse, you’ll have the opportunity to use your best skills to break his shields, eventually opening him up to an assault. At this point, if you’re doing well, he should have lost a third of his health by the time he does his Musou attack. Make sure you’re standing behind him and dodge where you can, as this can kill you in one combo if you get caught by it.

Dong Zhuo will then order Lu Bu to advance on Yuan Shao. Get on your horse and pursue him, as you can get some cheeky hits on him while he focuses on riding away. Lui Bei and his men will also advance on Lu Bu, meeting at the same area where you likely fought against the cavalry unit earlier. If you stop Zhang Liao quickly earlier in the battle, more troops will be there to assist you in helping protect your general.
Continue with the same tactics as before, but also use this opportunity to trigger your Rage to amplify how hard you hit Lu Bu, or Musou attacks for a quick burst of damage. Lui Bei will signal that you can break away to deal with Dong Zhuo at some point in the battle, but you can safely ignore this order. Continue to pursue Lu Bu if he runs, and you should eventually beat him. Doing so will get you some nice weapon rewards and a massive morale boost to your army for your trouble. You can rejoin the main force and bring down Dong Zhuo’s army after grabbing some necessary meat buns to replenish your health.
Published: Jan 14, 2025 6:40 PM UTC