Season of Plunder is coming to a close with a community event, allowing players to rebuild the Eliknsi Quarter. The Eliksni’s arrival in the Last City was a major plot point during Season of the Splicer, and Season of Plunder is wrapping up some of that storyline’s loose ends.
Season of Splicer revolved around how some parts of the Last City weren’t taking kindly to the new arrivals thanks to hate-spewing from some factions. Season of Plunder bridges that time gap by having guardians all over the Last City help rebuild and improve the Eliksni Quarter—and helping relationships between the Eliksni and mankind.
Throughout the community event, players have to visit all unlocked improvements to advance the event’s own quest, Rising Tide. Whether you want to cross out the quest or witness the heartstring-tugging narrative (especially for players who were around for Season of Splicer), we’ve compiled all the locations for the improvements. Here’s what they are and how you can find them.
All improvements in the Eliksni Quarter and their locations
The Eliksni Quarter community event has seven different upgrades for the community to obtain through joint efforts. They also boast some bonuses related to the event by, for instance, letting players deposit seasonal currency as Captain’s Coins and allowing them to buy Eliksni Gift Bags from the Donations Chest. Here are all the improvements and a quick description of where you can find them. For a more detailed breakdown, we’ve outlined all of the locations below.
- Cleanup (40 million—Completed): Removes debris and improves accessibility in the Eliksni Quarter. Located near the spawn area.
- Ether Tank (80 million—Completed): Improves the Ether Tank in the Eliksni Quarter. Located inside the Ether Tank.
- Comforts (120 million—Completed): Secures imports for the Eliksni community. Located near the Ether Tank.
- Recruits (200 million—Completed): Enables Eliksni to enroll in Tower security forces. Located by Spider outside the Ether Tank.
- Housing (260 million—Completed): Builds additional housing in the Eliksni Quarter. Located to the right of the spawn point.
- Garden (320 million—Completed): Adds a community garden to the Eliksni Quarter.
- Town Square (400 million—Completed): Establishes a Town Square in the Eliksni Quarter.
How to visit improvement one (Cleaning) in the Eliksni Quarter
This improvement is simple to find. Spawn into the Eliksni Quarter and look to the stairs to the left of the spawn area, where you’ll find an Eliksni cleaning with a broom. Interact with it to advance the quest and listen to a short message from Mithrax, who will say there is some justice in using the spoils from Eramis’ pirates to improve Eliksni lives in the Last City.

How to visit improvement two (Ether Tank) in the Eliksni Quarter
For the second improvement, head to the Ether Tank, the Eliksni Quarter’s bar. It’s located to the right of the spawn point, and the bar near which there’s a gathering of Eliksni. Once inside, follow the quest marker and head to the actual bar for another message from Mithrax. You’ll also notice a human customer and a human barkeep, a sign of changing times for the Eliksni’s integration into the Tower.

How to visit improvement three (Comforts) in the Eliksni Quarter
The third improvement is to the right of the Ether Tank. Face the bar inside the Ether Tank, then go on the exit to your right and look to your left to find a series of paintings. These works belonged to Spider, and Mithrax allowed the former Tangled Shore boss to have his paintings as a kindness. “There is nothing wrong with cherishing the comforts of one’s home,” he says. “Even Spider deserves to be comfortable.”

How to visit improvement four (Recruits) in the Eliksni Quarter
From the spawn, head straight until you’re just past the Eliksni crowd on the Ether Tank, then look to your right to find a few Eliksni soldiers. They are undertaking Vanguard training and will join the defense of the Last City. Interact with them to hear Mithrax confirm that the Eliksni are being accepted by the Tower and that Eliksni hatchlings will see both Human and Eliksni protecting them. Alternatively, you can head into the Ether Tank and leave through the exit on the other side of the spawn.

How to visit improvement five (Housing) in the Eliksni Quarter
From the spawn area, look to your right to spot a quest marker. Head towards the right to find a ramp, then follow it until you find a ledge. Interact with it to hear Mithrax talk about the additions to the Last City’s buildings, which will be used to house Eliksni. “New homes for both our people, here… beneath the Great Machine,” he says.

How to visit improvement six (Gardens) in the Eliksni Quarter
The sixth improvement is just ahead of the spawn point, on the far end of the Eliksni Quarter. Look for the growing plants and the nearby Eliksni to find this and advance the Rising Tide quest.

How to visit improvement seven (Town Square) in the Eliksni Quarter
This is right behind the spawn zone, close to the remains of the Spider Walker. This simple Town Square is the final improvement the Eliksni Quarter will receive, but it’s one of the most important. “A place for community meetings. An open-air school,” Mithrax explains. “There will be lectures, forums, debates! And I will invite all the citizens of the Last City to attend.”

Published: Nov 23, 2022 8:02 PM UTC