Caustic mains, it appears now’s the time to spring into action as the Toxic Trapper is set to receive his own Mythic Prestige skin in Apex Legends—Apex Contagion.
Complete with its own trio of tiered variants, Caustic’s Apex Contagion offering will be the crown jewel of the upcoming Veiled collection event, running from April 25 to May 9. Apex Contagion is the first Prestige skin to release since Wraith’s Apex Voidshifter outfit in December 2022. Alongside the Interdimensional Skirmisher, Bangalore, and Bloodhound, Caustic is just the fourth member of the game’s cast to receive a Prestige skin. Here’s everything you need to know about the new Apex Contagion skin.
How to unlock Caustic’s Prestige skin in Apex Legends
Just as with the other Prestige skins, as well as all of the Heirlooms, Apex Contagion can be unlocked through two familiar methods. The first is available upon its release and requires players to collect all 24 of the limited-time cosmetics that will have dropped with the Veiled collection event. Players can do so with Apex Coins, Crafting Metals, or Veiled Collection Event Apex Packs for the entire duration of the event. Once all items from the event are unlocked, players will be given the tier one version of the new Prestige skin.
Related: All new legend skins in Apex Legends’ Veiled event
While collecting all of the event cosmetics is undoubtedly a pricey task, it’s arguably the best opportunity for those looking to acquire the Apex Contagion skin. After the Veiled event ends, the tier one Caustic Prestige skin will become available in the Mythic Shop for 150 Heirloom Shards. Heirloom Shards are typically tough to come by since they have a 0.2 percent chance of dropping in any normal Apex Pack aside from being guaranteed once every 500 tries.
How to level up Caustic’s Prestige skin in Apex Legends
Upon unlocking the first tier of the Apex Contagion skin, players can unlock two additional variants, as well as a finishing move unique to the cosmetic.
Just as with the previously released Prestige skins, the higher tiers of the Apex Contagion offering are earned by completing challenges at no additional cost. The tier two version challenge is unlocked immediately upon obtaining the Prestige skin and requires players to simply deal 30,000 damage while using Caustic. After completing that goal, the tier three challenge tasks players with dealing 100,000 damage with Caustic, and grants the unique Toxic Scream finisher as a bonus reward.
Published: Apr 20, 2023 10:04 PM UTC