Apex Legends’ Iron Crown Collection event is now live, and fans can jump in on the fun by playing solo matches and unlocking a slew of new skins for their favorite legends before the two-week event ends later this month.
A whopping nine new skins are included in the limited time event. Seven of the skins stand out as legendary items and redesign each of the legends as iron-clad warriors from the medieval period. Bangalore and Caustic wrap up the list of new looks with their own epic skins, which dress both of the characters in black versions of their base skin with an animated chain-mail effect.
Unlike other legend skins, the new batch of Iron Crown Collection skins won’t be available for players to craft from the customization menu. The only way fans of the game will be able to get their hands on any of the new cosmetics is through opening-event-themed Apex packs. Each Iron Crown pack will come with either an epic or legendary item in addition to 30 crowns, a new event currency that can be used in the event shop to unlock weapon skins, banners, and other loot items.
The Iron Crown Collection event will run until Aug. 27, and each of the new skins will be vaulted once the medieval-themed festivities come to a close.
Call to Arms Gibraltar

Judge Jury Executioner Lifeline

Captain Bamboozle Mirage

War Machine Pathfinder

The Warrior Empress Wattson

Protector of the Void Wraith

The Centurion Bloodhound

Barrel of Laughs Caustic

Nerves of Steel Bangalore

Published: Aug 13, 2019 5:46 PM UTC