Apex Legends world record holder and streamer Lucas “Mendokusaii” Håkansson has mastered an unusual yet powerful way of using Pathfinder’s Grappling Hook. Instead of using it to close the gap between him and his opponents, as most players do, Mendo is using the hook to pull opponents toward him and either spray them down with an SMG or burst them with a shotgun.
This could be named the “Scorpion Pathfinder” playstyle since the action resembles one of Mortal Kombat’s Scorpion abilities that lets the player chain their opponent and pull them towards him. Respawn Entertainment could make it even better by giving Pathfinder a “get over here” voice line like Scorpion’s when he hits his hook.
This first Grappling Hook hit wasn’t accidental or just a one-in-a-million shot. Mendo has hit hooks that were more difficult than this, such as one in an Octane who was in mid-air right after using his Jump Pad.
This use of the hook is strong not only because it makes it easy for you to melt your opponent with your weapons, but also because it’s so unusual and weird that your opponent might not know how to react to it. In both clips, Mendo’s victims don’t try to shoot back, but only desperately run in hopes of getting out of that situation alive. Of course, they don’t.
Scorpion Pathfinder seems to be a situational play, though. The Grappling Hook isn’t a fast projectile and it doesn’t travel too far, so it’s better if used against opponents in close or mid-range. If someone’s really far away, the best play might be the conventional use of the hook as a gap closer.
Mendo surely is one of the most skilled Apex players out there. When big professional Apex competitions start taking place, we’ll see if Scorpion Pathfinder is a viable strategy or if opponents will have learned how to deal with it.
Published: Apr 23, 2019 08:52 am