By now Dragonflight season one is known for being one of the hardest seasons in the history of Mythic+ due to imbalanced boss encounters, an overwhelming number of mechanics you need to deal with, and a lack of clarity. Although the World of Warcraft devs did their best to balance Mythic+ dungeons, one dungeon stands out as the worst by having an incredibly low success rate.
Looking at Best Keystone, a website that deals with stats from Mythic+ dungeons, the Azure Vault is easily the most difficult dungeon in season one of Dragonflight.
The Azure Vault week in and week out holds the worst success rate among high-end Mythic+ players with it being at roughly 50 percent. At a first glance, this might not seem low, but if we take into consideration that the easiest dungeons, Shadowmoon Burial Grounds and Court of Stars, hover around 85 to 93 percent success rate each week, the Azure Vault success rate is actually really low.
This screengrab is from this week, and it’s specifically looking at the high-end keys that range from level 20 to level 27 and uses 5,000 runs to create the sample. If we dive deeper into the previous weeks of season one, you’ll notice that the success rate isn’t significantly higher than this and that, at best, it’s around 60 percent.
If these stats don’t mean a lot to you, we can break this down easily for you. A success rate chance of 50 percent means that half of the started Mythic+ runs aren’t completed or timed.
The main reason why the Azure Vault has such an abysmal success rate is because this dungeon is extremely long, has a short timer, and is very unforgiving if you wipe once, let alone twice. On March 14, Blizzard Entertainment added a minute and a half to the timer and it might actually become more doable, but we’ll still stay wary and avoid the Azure Vault for now.
Published: Mar 16, 2023 11:35 AM UTC