If you’re playing Druid in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery, you have a dozen different Runes to collect and use in both PvE and PvP. One of them is Idol of the Wild, which you can easily obtain by following a few simple steps.
By collecting the Idol of the Wild rune in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, Druids are able to learn an ability called Wild Strikes. It allows you to increase the combat ferocity you and your party members within 20 yards earn while in Cat, Bear, or Dire Bear forms. On top of that, each melee hit has a 20 percent chance of granting the attacker an extra attack with 20 percent more attack power.
Therefore, for those playing Feral or Guardian Druids, having Wild Strikes in your kit is be pivotal. Finding the rune itself is a bit time-consuming, but it’s nothing more than that. Here’s how you can do it.
How to collect the Idol of the Wild Druid Rune in WoW Classic Season of Discovery
The Idol of the Wild Druid Rune is dropped by Grimtotem mobs, including Grimtotem Mercenary, Ruffian, Sorcerer, and Brute. Finding them is a piece of cake. You need to travel to the southeastern entrance to the Stonetalon Mountains, where these mobs spawn frequently. After you kill a few of them, the rune should eventually drop.

How to learn Wild Strikes ability in WoW Classic Season of Discovery
Once you collect the rune, right-click to equip it. You then need to use a Healing Touch on 10 friendly beasts, including friendly Hunter pets, Druids in animal forms, and so on. When finished, right-click the equipped rune once more to receive your new engravement in the form of Wild Strikes.
Published: Dec 13, 2023 12:46 PM UTC